Cor, catching up takes a while! I will post this then get back to it.
I've spent the morning looking for animal related jobs, in the vain hope I will find something suitable that I can actually get to. I found one! There is a job going at Compassion in World Farming. I did work experience there for 2 weeks during my degree and it has a great environment. Animal welfare is the only area I would really want to work in, it's my passion and what drove me to do the degree I did. I can't quite gather exactly what the job is, but it seems to be to do with engaging their online community.
Candidates should also possess a keen interest, if not passion, for animal welfare. CHECK!
Excellent interpersonal skills, both oral and written are needed and a creative approach to problem solving. Good database and computer literacy will also be an advantage. CHECK!
A keen interest and good understanding of online communities will also be important. CHECK!!
I have until the 25th to apply, so I'm going to go and see the careers adviser if I can and work hard on my CV and cover letter. I really want this job! Really really. It would mean not living in Haywards Heath and living in Dorking or Reigate instead but hey ho! Dorking is really nice, though very expensive.. if I have a job already then that means we can afford to spend a bit more on rent anyway.
In other news, I am back on the diet today. I did not do much walking or swimming on holiday! I'm back to where I was in January, 13 stone 2lb

Nevermind, I will be back in the 12s next week. I really would like to be 12 stone by the time I move in 6ish weeks, but that is only if I work really hard! Moving time is upon us and the need to save money is greater than ever so that makes it a bit easier as I can't afford treats! It's my birthday in a couple of weeks but I don't plan on doing anything, can't afford it really. I will have a big party when I move instead
As for the holiday, it was alright. I don't want to go on holiday with my family ever again though. They stress me out. My brothers are just vile, to be honest. Smelly, who is 2 years older than me and didn't shower the whole time, just stank. I paid the security deposit and they were so messy, neither of them helped with cleaning at all and left their washing up etc lying around. Lazy, the other brother, is 30 or 31! They acted like children expecting everyone to clean up for them. They spent the whole time drinking and even managed to find a drug dealer and bought weed for 40 euros whilst complaining of having to pay towards the tolls and fuels. They then took the weed with them onto the ferry

They paid £135 each towards the hire car, about £60 towards tolls and fuel.. pretty cheap holiday for a week in France I'd say, seeing as mum and dad paid for the villa. Smelly brought Tammy along (my 2 year old niece) and dumped her on my mum at every chance. He couldn't care less about her, I wish she could stay 2 and never realise what a chite dad she had! Whenever we visited a city they went straight to a pub.. why bother coming?! The amount they drank (for just one of them) that week was probably more than Adam drinks in 2/3 years, we decided.
Anyway, the journey down was a nightmare. As the hire car held hardly any luggage with the back seats up (7 seater) we tried putting the luggage on the roof, coving and securing with those elastic thingies. One flew off on the motorway! Fortunately no one was behind us, but we closed the motorway. It was Smelly's luggage and while Adam went to use the help phone he just sat in the back prattling on about his £100 trainers or whatever. "Adam, tell the man to look for a green trainer" over and over. FFS, no one cares about your damn shoe, people are swerving to avoid your bag, shut the f*** up! Then when we got to Rouen, where we were staying over night, we couldn't find the hotel and didn't get there until 11, 3 hours later after driving around. Tammy puked on herself so the car stank. I had a feeling everything was going to go wrong on that day. We also lost Lazy's passport for a bit as well. Everything went ok driving down to the villa the next day though and the drive back was very smooth. Whilst in France we had a few bad days and a few really nice days. Read two books, ate out a few times, visited a market, did a boat trip, butchered the French language, spent time in the pool, went to Bergerac, went to Bordeaux and went to a farm with questionable welfare standards. The holiday was average but it was nice to spend time with Adam. We could only afford to eat really, we didn't have much money at all. We couldn't afford presents

We literally bought nothing but food. Yesterday I went and got a load of brochures because I plan to go somewhere, just me and Adam next year! Florida or Mexico look likely. I love the look of the tours across Canada, but at £3000 a person that may be our honeymoon! Of course this depends on how long it takes me to find a job