Back to pointing today! I'm surprised how easily I've slipped back into it. I had such trouble starting and would assume that after a big weekend blow-out it would be a bit like starting again, but no, it feels completely natural! It feels good to be pointing again. I really do love Weight Watchers, I'm certain it's the only "diet" I could do. It's the only one which isn't faddy; no forbidden foods, no eating certain foods on certain days, no giving things up.
Don't get me wrong, I think losing weight is commendable however you do it, but Weight Watchers is the only one I think is sensible. In my opinion the other ones aren't healthy for the body or the mind.
Had no breakfast today because I woke up at 10:30

Looking forward to getting some routine back in my life tomorrow. I've had a yummy omelette for lunch.