
I do feel quite positive about it. I'm clever and I'm going to work my little bum off because I really want it, can't do more than that bar killing the competition. If I don't get it and I worked my hardest, I clearly wasn't really suited to it.
I have a good feeling about it!!!!xxx
Families, eh! I am lucky that there isn't too much distance between here and there, but I'm just having it whereever the nicest venue is, be it here, Worcs, Scotland, Ireland (though perhaps they don't do civil ceromonies there?), Devon.. whereever! I have a big idea of what I want and I'll go whereever I can get it
You do what you want missy, I listened a lot to others and really wish I hadnt but still had a great
Yes! So looking forward to Glasgow. I'm hoping that I get the job and start at the beginning of November then get paid at the end of the month so I can treat myself to a nice outfit and a few wee cocktails! Well, even if I don't, I'll just do lots of overtime!
Woop Woop!!!! Bring on the cocktails..xx
It's not so much age really, as similar personalities I'm looking for. I had a great friend in college who was late 40s, but then there is a friend of a friend who is just slightly older than me but has a one year old.. sooo dull. There are people like Nikki, who happen to be a mum and then there are people who are just mums! Every single facebook status - no lie - every single one is about her daughter. She was at a BBQ with the sprog and ohh my goood, so dull. When Nikki talks about Ee it's funny and interesting.. most mums wouldn't admit they, for one second, thought they loved a cat more

They just go on and on about how amazing their child is. One status - "is wondering if child going to have a nap today?" Really? No one else is! Shut up! Adam's workmates and friends are about a decade older than me but I have more in common with them. But most people that age have kids and I find it really hard to meet people my age that are like me, as I'm a bit old souled for my age, without the responsibility and a bit geeky and girly at the same time.
Hehe, love Nikki's comments too....much better than the usual sh!te mothers post on FB!!
Anyway, the facebook snipe seemed to have got to them! I got a FB msg and a text from Eileen and Fodge trying to arrange a weekend to come down. They were very adamant they will make sure they can come down the second weekend of December.
Hope they do start to make the effort chick.....they need to realise what they'll be're a star Miss Jess..xx