Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

sorry youre not well but you food sounds so nice!! I miss the chippy :(

i still go all the time - fish, mushy peas and half a portion of chips FTW! :D

back on topic anyway.. hope you feel better soon Jess - my OH's really bad as hes just had his flu jab (hes asthmatic) and he wasnt very well to start with. I spent most of tonight curled up in bed with him tonight keeping him warm (and sleeping myself :p lazy!) but hes still no better :( everyone seems to be getting ill atm, so i really hope it passes fast for you cause its really awful feeling ill - i know i always feel worse when im ill now because i cant get a hug off my mum... LOL :p infact, mostly when im ill i ring her and cry (because yes, i am REALLY pathetic when i am ill!) but it makes me feel better anyway.

If you're still ill on tuesday i will have to bring you something down.. i dont know what but i can find something im sure. Want my cat? I could do with a holiday lol :p
Thank you everyone *mwaaah*

Rach, I miss my mum too! I can't wait to move back to the shire after my course. I never got ill before I moved, stupid Surrey illnesses :p I need antibodies, can ya bring some of those? ^_^ Hope you enjoy London! I lived in London for a year before Surrey and hated it, but now I'm a train ride away it's great to visit. Especially for cocktails. If you see a B@1 (there are a few around) then I order you to go and get a cocktail (just not a creamy one ;) I'm not going to be responsible for ruining your diet). Hope your cow (boyfriend = bf = boeuf = beef = cow) feels better soon, I feel his pain!
le boeuf! LOVE it :D however i wont call him it to his face until he's better haha!

on the subject of antibodies, im giving up loads tomorrow at the donor clinic.. but will ask if she can put some in a tube for you LOL!

hope you feel better soon chuck :) x
You can do that? What are they used for? I want to give blood, but for the purely selfish reason of wanting to find out my blood type (plus, 1 pint of blood must weigh a bit right? :p then you must use calories making some more!). Then I think once I've gone once I'll keep it up, for less selfish reasons.
women are only allowed to give blood atm.. we cant give platelets although i am planning on grilling the nurse tomorrow for more information as last time she said there had been an antibody breakthrough so we might be able to donate soon :)

and yes, you feel very light (headed anyway :p) after giving blood - tomorrow will be my second time and i'm looking forward to it :) you get a proper card to put in your purse with your blood type on it.. I am A+ :) bad thing is, they MAKE you eat a club biscuit before you leave.. so tomorrow im taking my own lower points biscuit!
Well done you two. Giving blood makes me feel queasy! I wish I could do it but i just can't face it.... I think people who do are fab! Maybe one day I will pick up the courage to give it a go too!

Rach, lol at taking your own biscuits! You are serious girl! Good for you :)
i deviated as TGI's on wed ruled out any biscuits.. i took 3 satsumas instead :D

and Jess, i feel SO much lighter now.. but then again he messed up and took more than he was supposed to - my blood bag was bulging!
Well, I definately need to do it then! :p

Still feeling like poo. Left work early as I kept losing my voice. Now just got a snotty nose. Nice, huh? Better tomorrow, plzkthx!
snotty nose.. well, that just killed my Maccy D's cravings LOL :D hope you're less snotty soon :) xxx
Awww Jess lol. You're not giving Rudolph a run for his money are you lol. Hope you feel better soon!x
Get better soon xxx
Aww I hope you are feeling much better soon :hug99:
Everyone seems to be ill just now! Hope you feel better soon, must be that time of year :(
Hope you're feeling better soon :hug99: Good luck with your WI tomorrow xxx
How was WI mate? Hope your feeling better x
hey Jess...glad you are feeling a little better

You could weigh in a day or so late - better late than never and we might need those pounds in our weight loss this week :D (not sure if you weigh yourself or go to class)

Hope the snot is no longer a problem....

LRO xx
I don't blame you in a way mate but I find it helps me if I see I am not going too well. Give it a few days and see how you feel.

I really hope you are better soon. Take care x