Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

well done hun xx lmaooo rach u told me eairler u go to bon marche every year for ur thermal undies??
well done hun xx lmaooo rach u told me eairler u go to bon marche every year for ur thermal undies??

aww man, you got me! :p
I'm exhausted. Today I spent the day cutting down rhododendron. The hardest part was pulling up the roots because whenever they touch the ground they make more roots. I really had to pull to get them out and there were bloody loads of them. I also had to saw the thick parts off. I also did some coppicing, which involves cutting trees down to the stump so they can grow larger or something. It was really fun, I was cutting down trees! I'm so tired though, especially with the long journey home. I got in the house and just sat on the stair for ages because I couldn't get up. I must have burned loads of calories! I got really dirty and my hair kept getting caught in branches. Attractive.

I went over my points! Well I haven't yet, but I will by the time I eat dinner :p I had a small venison sausage in a small roll. Probably 4-5 points. I must have burnt that off though. I resisted biscuits, I walked past the chippy on the way home and Woolworths! I really, really want a Woolworths pick 'n' mix. So apart from the sausage I've been really strong willed!

B - Nutrigrain bar (2.5)
L - Egg and salad cream roll (5), french fries (1), light cadbury mousse (1), 2 finger orange kitkat (2.5)
S - Sausage in roll (5)

So far that's 16.5 and dinner will probably be more than 4.5 so I'll have gone over, but not by much. I'm never too bothered as long as it's not over 6 points.
i love venison sausages.. the sainsburys ones are off the charts for points though! :(

your day sounds good if hard! I would have been on the floor within minutes panting for air and calling for water LOL :D
Well I haven't really been pointing this week. Too hungry with all my physical exertion :p Had a sneaky weigh this morning and have lost 2.4lb since Monday :eek: May be a little less after this weekend! Just had a cooked brunch and am having half a bottle of wine this evening, but not doing any exercise apart from tidying my whole house. Such a mess! Adam's weight loss is going well, he was 17st10lb when he started and is now 16st5lb, so has lost more weight than me! Don't think I'll reach my target but I'm pretty happy that I'm still slowly losing :) Would like to get close to 11 but I'm not going to be terribly upset if I don't.

So this week I've cut down trees, done office work, cleaned a field of rubbish, herded cows, searched for otter signs.. very varied! Next week I'm going to a school to help kids make Christmas wreaths and I'm guessing talk a bit about wildlife, or I don't see why the wildlife trust would do that.

I've been thinking about becoming a primary school teacher. I don't want any more loans or debts because this will be my 3rd year of study, due to changing degree after my first year. After this year's over I'll have a foundation degree and I read that you can do teaching training on the job with that. If not then I'll do on the job training after my 3rd year. I've noticed there are a few teachers on here, can any of you tell me more about how you get into it and a bit more about it?
what you're on about is GTP training - you can either apply for PGCE, GTP or one other route that eludes me.. GTP is on the job, and you get paid a base salary of 14k for the year you train. However there are very limited places and if you apply to GTP and arent accepted you cant apply for PGCE that year - thats what I was told. GTP is often more for secondary places as well - i was told there are much fewer available places for primary teaching.

PGCE is very similar - you still get a grant each month (amount varies depending on your chosen area of expertise) however you spend 2 days a week in uni and 3 in school for 6 weeks, then 7 weeks full time to xmas teaching around 11hrs per week, and then same after xmas at a different placement. PGCE you can still get student loans for as well.

My friend is doing upper primary at the moment - she's placed in nursery up until xmas and then primary after xmas.. so slightly different from my course (which im starting in 09) but roughly all similar.

Also, unless it has changed recently, if you teach for 5 years your student debts get erased xx
Ooh, thanks Rach!

The other one is RTP I think.. the one you can do after 2 years of higher education. Are you training to be a teacher? :) I don't know if I could get anymore loan to do a PCGE, I've already had 3 years of loan, by the time I finish my degree (which you need for a PCGE right?) I'll have had 4.

Where did you find all this out? Did you talk to someone?
everyone is eligible for PGCE loan - to do PGCE you have to have a degree / equivalent qualification, so they cant penalise you for having debts already. I think i worked out I could get a tuition fee loan and a small maintenance grant.. smaller than before BUT you get your "golden hello" money.. for ICT (im starting my PGCE ICT for secondary education in september next year) i know its £9k you get paid to you over the 9month period.. think for primary its £3/4k.. cant remember exactly.. but equivalent to what you would get maintenance grant-wise anyway :) x
So can I get the full amount of yearly living loan? Because I don't think I could live off £4000 a year and wouldn't be able to work if it's 5 days a week uni/school. I would move away from here though so would save hundreds of pounds in rent. I guess I should be less picky and get a less modern house and do it up a bit!

I think primary is £4000, yeah. Is it hard to get onto a PCGE? Do you need experience with kids?
I did a PCSE some years ago and know they want applicants to have spent time in schools or extra activities with children.

Worth approaching schools and asking if you could come in to help not sure what happens about CRB (have I got the right initials)

Irene xx
Hey, I am a primary teacher but the whole process is a bit different in Scotland..never heard of this clearing student debts, which is rubbish!! I am moving to England!! Its very competitive here to get on the PGDE course, you must have experience and have to go through interview, group interview, lesson demonstration and essay! Its a great job tho! I couldnt think of doing anything else! I did 4 years at uni doing accountancy and then did the post grad, best thing I ever did! (you only need to do 3 tho)
I find kids hilarious, there is not a day that goes by where I dont laugh! I would def say go for it, the holidays are brilliant and you get to meet Santa!!!
If you need any advice on interview or application please feel free to PM me anytime or text me anytime. :) If you were in Scotland you would be welcome to come into my class for experience but I am sure any school will gobble you up. I would just phone them directly and explain you are looking for experience. We have a constant stream of people in our school, its great!
good luck!
Yeah, I think I will do that Irene :) Thanks for replying!

Thanks Jen :D I'm sure I'll be pestering you all the time if I decide to go for it! I live right behind a primary school so I might see if they'll give me some experience to see if I like it :) That's why I want the little ones, they come out with the funniest things! Doing a lesson demonstration to get onto the course must have been so scary, how on earth did you know what to do?
The school I approached was a primary school and I went every week for a day and each week spent the day in a different class so eventually I had been in every class. It was very interesting to compare the teachers and how they interacted with the children as well as see what work the children covered

Irene xx
Aww, that doesn't sound too hard :) I think I can manage that. I'm passionate about spelling and grammar, so I think I'd love teaching that.

I just want to say, people: lose isn't spelt loose! Lose the second o ;) You're killing me. I think I'm a bit OCD about it actually, it drives me nuts. Hehe.
Hope you have success finding a school to help and then when you go for interview you'll be able to tell them all about your experiences with schools and education
Irene xx
If anyone wants some extra support from texts etc then PM your phone number. I have £60 worth of texts/calls each month on my contract but I barely use £10 most months, so it's such a waste!
Hi, I'm a TA in an infant school - Agree with all the advice above - go round your local schools til you find one who will process your CRB clearance and let you volunteer. Good luck - Keep us posted! :) xxx