Jess's Diary - Weighed in a day early..

that WW thing sounds amazing!

hope you are feeling better.. having an upset stomach is one of the worst ways to be ill - i can never get comfy if my stomach is playing up! Crossing my fingers for you and hoping its the fizzy drinks - I have to limit them myself because they give me really bad stomach cramps.

oh and congrats on your weight loss as well :) x
Elegantriposte im off work today with a viral stomach infection !! having iot looked into too
where r u in surrey ?? im here too
The formula - Wikipedia says it's the no. of calories divided by 66 (plus the fat) but I think it should probably be 66.66.

Sorry to hear about the tummy thing (forgot to mention it in my first post :rolleyes:).

Life without bread isn't too bad, I haven't eaten bread in aaaaages (too many points :p) and I don't miss it.
Then again, I like ryvita so it was an easy swap :rolleyes:

Oh, I've no idea. I'm just the ideas girl. The forumla was something = something over something + something over something.... or something! It's all blah blah to me! :)
Crikey I can't believe the formula is available on Wiki yet WW are shutting down sites where people are points value-sharing!! Makes no sense to me!
Crikey I can't believe the formula is available on Wiki yet WW are shutting down sites where people are points value-sharing!! Makes no sense to me!

They can't have the formula taken down because it's patented which makes it public domain. Obviously they can sue anyone who uses it, but they can't stop people showing the formula.
I'm a Surrey girl too! Well a mix of Surrey and Hampshire lol x
I cooked an omlette for the very first time today! I knew the theory of it but had just never made one. A good first attempt I feel! My cat licked the plate clean afterwards, so it can't have been that bad. A nice low point lunch :) I'm saving lots of points for nachos tonight.

I have given in my first piece of work. Hooray. It was my proposal for my investigative project. I'm doing maze tests on rats and mice to see if there is a difference in their long-term memory. I planned to be more organised this year but I'm definately not. Must try harder!
Your project sounds interesting. Will you be looking at whether there is a difference between the long-term memory of a mouse compared to a rat, or whether certain differentials affect their memory?
Looks good :)
I want to get a steamer, lol.

How do you make an omelette? I have no idea, lol.

Someone on here mentioned that you can make a bigger omelette by using egg white, and it's obviously the same amount of points :D

Your project sounds interesting. Will you be looking at whether there is a difference between the long-term memory of a mouse compared to a rat, or whether certain differentials affect their memory?

Differences between the two of them. I'm going to make a maze and put one in at time (using 5 rats and 5 mice) then timing how long it takes to get to the end. Then I'm repeating that weekly for 5 weeks to see if their times improve. Then I'll compare rat and mice times :)
Looks good :)
How do you make an omelette? I have no idea, lol.

Someone on here mentioned that you can make a bigger omelette by using egg white, and it's obviously the same amount of points :D


It would probably work, I see "egg white omelette" in lots of diet articles in mags, but I bet it tastes blander. All the taste is in the yolk. Everyone knows the taste comes from the calories ;)

You combine the eggs (no over beating), add seasoning, then melt a bit of marg in a smallish frying pan. Wait until the bottom has set a little bit (it's quick), then move the edges into the middle so the juice on top moves down to the empty space. When they set move them into the middle and repeat, tipping the pan to get the runny egg to the sides if needed. When there's no more runny egg, just a squidgy top you put the filling on, fold it in half.. few seconds on the heat for both sides. Voila!
Sounds simple :rolleyes:

I may have to try that at some point (God knows when, I'm away 2 weekends in a row and apart from that I have builders in the kitchen every morning!)

Well no, what you do is instead of using 2 eggs, you use maybe 1 egg and 1/2 whites or something.
Don't get rid of ALL the taste, just some of it ;) haha.
Or, you could use 2 eggs and 2 whites and have a HUGE omelette ;) hehehe.

Having said that, I had bacon and eggs last night and I thought I'd test out my (egg) separating skills by having an extra fried egg white. :) which is pretty bland, but fine once it's dipped in yolk or combined with (Sainsbury's healthy) bacon. :)


I love egg white. If i've run out of points of an evening, i hard-boil a couple of eggs and just eat the whites. I haven't tried egg-white omelette though.
Hey Jess :) ...weve got one of those pans and they are amazin ! ... nothing sticks to them atall! i dry fry eggs and everything! ... i did an omellete yesterday chucked in bacon mush onion and an egg soooo filling! had it with some spag! :)
Hey Jess :) ...weve got one of those pans and they are amazin ! ... nothing sticks to them atall! i dry fry eggs and everything! ... i did an omellete yesterday chucked in bacon mush onion and an egg soooo filling! had it with some spag! :)

Kirsty! I'm craving an omelette now! Lol x