Spoke too soon, she cried for her mum yesterday! She didn't want to leave her apparently and we were manically tried to cook cauliflower cheese, mash carrots/swede, carrots, stuffing, peas, sweetcorn and braised cabbage for 25 people in one kitchen to take down to the family meal so got all stressy. Mum shouted at Tammy and then I screamed at the dog as the bloody oven door is broken and comes right off (nothing ever gets fixed in that house, the gas fire broke so they just use the oven hobs!!). I made dad put them outside and then mum let them back in again and they kept getting around my feet when when door was
on the floor while the oven was on gas mark 8! I screamed and kicked the dog up the ass. Tammy started bawling for her mummy, proper choking sobs and kept saying "I want mummy" over and over so I had to take her in the other room and play peppa pig until she stopped crying. Then I wasn't allowed to leave her or she started crying again so Adam had to take over the cooking, haha. I tried to take her in to him while I was cooking but she said no and pulled me out the room

Really doesn't like men. Then mum plonked ugly betty with me. I really don't like having the baby dumped on me because if she cries I can't shut her up plus baby crying goes right through me. She was alright though and was giggling at babies on youtube. If I watched another 10 minutes of cbeebies on youtube I would have killed myself though. She doesn't even finish a video, just keeps clicking on random videos. I swear that girl will type before she can write. Anyway, when we went down to the big family meal and did the quiz thing around Tenbury she was fine. She always says things like "mummy has eyes" "mummy plays football" "mummy does that *points to the figure skating on tv*". Kids are weird. I really hate my brother though, he was supposed to look after them but was drunk in bed on Easter morning, from the night before. Seriously, there should be some sort of test before you're allowed to reproduce. She kept pulling me around and ordering me into a play house with her that I could barely fit in
Anyway, feeling very fat at the moment as my cousins are tiny. They've had 2 and 4 kids but are way smaller than me

My cousin is having her two daughters and herself christened on May 2nd and I'm going to eat as little as possible without starving myself as I can before then. I don't want to do the meal replacement as it's too extreme but I'll be doing something like cereal for brekkie, soup and roll for lunch and healthy dinner. Starting running too. I want to get as much off as possible by then. Neither me or Adam really want to go to the christening as we are both anti-religion (
not religious people). I really don't believe in christening kids, but it's family, blaaaaah. They are too young to decide.. but on the other hand there really isn't much of a choice in life, if your brought up by believers you're going to probably be one yourself. We're bringing ours up to be non-believers so that's most likely what they will become!