Yesterday's food ended up being:
B - Toast with butter; Toast with Nutella
L - Pasta salad (oops)
D - Lamb, roasties done in coconut oil, kale, brocolli, stuffing, Yorkshire pud, gravy
S - Rice cake with chocolate peanut butter (yum!)
Weighed in this morning - 10.3 so -2lbs from last week yay
We did a very very healthy food shop yesterday so going to be 100% until the weekend and then got the nephew staying Friday night so might have pizza and drinking sat night but that's it so fingers crossed for a decent loss. I would be happy with -2 but ecstatic with more!
Also showed my SIL some exercises in her garden yesterday as she is back on the sw bandwagon (she inspired me to start on it along with Ria-Lou) and wants to exercise too!
Eats for today:
B - 2 hard boiled eggs, 2 slices of smoked bacon, baby spinach
S - Banana
L - Salad (lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, mushrooms, celery) with lamb
S - Nuts, Flax bar, Strawberries, Banana, Rice cake (if required)
BOOTCAMP! Last one :'(
S - Protein shake with almond milk
D - Chicken stirfry - just chicken and veg as soy sauce!
Also meeting my friend for coffee or maybe a nice cold non-alcoholic drink in the sunshine at lunch
Going to make some peanut butter fudgey brownies tonight from a paleo website so looking forward to trying them! Will probably be a disaster like all of our paleo baking attempts but will see
Happy Monday! xxxx