Hello beautiful ladies
I am back - sorry it has taken so long! I felt pretty rubbish as you all know but I did feel better for the wedding. Then I had some leave from work to nip home to spend my parents' birthdays with them. So the last two weeks have been naughty food and a fair bit of drink. I have started bootcamp again this week though so that is one thing

I weighed in Monday and had only gone up to 10.3 but I think that may have increased since then

. Having our last naughty day today (nothing too bad) and then starting the weekend with a healthy food shop and determined to stick with it this time.
There are a few obstacles in the way though. Next weekend I am going home and going to some wedding fayres with my mum and bridesmaids, and the one after it is the sis in law's birthday so we are going for a meal - but I've looked at the menu and going to have steak and veg and maybe syn a few carbs and booze. Plus the odd meal with friends. Then I've got the Endurer Dash at the end of the month! If I can be under 10st by then I will be one very happy lady!
The wedding was wonderful

The main things I learned from it, wedding ladies, was: think about your meal choice in terms of you having to love it but your friends and family also enjoying it (the dinner was very 'posh' and I loved it but some people struggled with certain dishes); good music is key if you want people up dancing, whether this is a band or a DJ (this wedding was a band and was BRILLIANT); make sure any buffet food is labelled (they had cheese and pate but didn't label it and i ended up with some horrible choices); and get a good photographer that suits your personalities! This one seemed really good! Although unfortunately i didn't see him catching many natural or fun shots which I love - each to their own though.
Think we have decided on our venue as well ladies

So as of our food shop tomorrow I will be back on it and I will get to 9.7 by christmas