Gold Member
2.33 in 23.14over a minute quicker than usual and no stopping It's a grill steak so more like a burger (and a tiny bit naughty) but so tasty xxxx
Wow that's a great time for him! Go James! xx
2.33 in 23.14over a minute quicker than usual and no stopping It's a grill steak so more like a burger (and a tiny bit naughty) but so tasty xxxx
Seriously Jessy your food just Sounds like heaven at the mo! Pancakes, eggs, steak and nakd bar all in one day...Wowzer!
Super work James! No wonder you're proud! And well done to you too! Did you manage it with just one stop? Xxxx
needed to have 2! Boo! But not long ones and we kept walking fairly briskly
You'll get there mate. I never thought I'd be able to keep going but you it all just sort of clicks and you can!xx
Thank you to my gorgeous JessyG for helping me get back on track and writing me out a weekly food plan! Dont know what i'd do without you beautiful. Love you millions xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Oh boo, Mother Nature can be a killer sometimes! Kudos to you for sticking with bootcamp and not using it as a excuse! Hope you feel better this evening and have a damn good workout!! Xxx
Ooh bootcamp - good work not using it as an excuse to stop going!! May have to give bootcamp a go at some point!!x
Oh oh the wedding fayres sound so exciting!! Can't wait to hear all about them! Is James heading home with you too?
Mmm falafel is something I'm yet to make myself on sw, but it's so damn tasty! Hope you have a wonderful day gorg and Mother Nature doesn't make you feel too Blurghhh xxxxx
I've never had falafel... Is it chickpea? I'm so naive!
Wedding filled wonderful - how exciting!! You must be getting excited now. It's getting closer!
It seems like it's that time for all of us at the momentso far I've resisted the chocolate ice cream, but I can't promise I will all weekend!! xx
Oooh sounds like a fab weekend babycakes - We're off out Saturday with some friends so cant guarantee a wholesome time :crazy:
I hope you feel better today and bootcamp did you good, I felt good after LBT and can walk today - BONUS!!
Love you millions. xxxxx