Gold Member
No worries Jessit is all about if finding a balance that works for you. If weekends are your problem area then maybe try and focus on re programming around the run up to and the actual weekend so that you can be as prepared as possible. If you don't have a microwave then you could always have couscous or rice ready to go either in the cupboard or the fridge? With a salad already made up and like you said some chicken (you can easily cook a few chicken breasts and keep them in the fridge for a couple of days)
i really think if you have a look at the fakeaway recipes, you may find some amazing ideas there that save you both getting into situations where you know you are struggling at the moment (I.e eating out) it may only need to be for a few weeks whilst you are changing habits (apparently it takes 28 days to make or break a habit - I gave up smoking in May 2011 and this was my mantra whilst I kept away from the pub for a month!!!!)
You will get there Jess, we all need to enjoy ourselves and live a little. I have made sure that I focus on my problem areas in the past few weeks such as moving back from weekly syns to daily syns and taking meals round to dales (although now he is very accommodating to my sw needs and so is his mum when she cooks a roast ;D) we love cooking together because we are both massive meat fiends!!!! Another reason why I have been really glad to have got my head around the different days as I know I can plan my week and know that I can have a meaty day with the boy and a quorn day when I am on a busy day...
we are going to cook together tonight before we go to see mickey Flanagan (so excited!) which we have both chosen to do as we could just as easily have eaten out, but I wanted to save my syns for some cheeky drinksand I will be cooking some extra chicken so that when we get back in, I can munch on that rather than raiding the cupboards! Plus we always have a sw friendly brunch the morning after a night out too
I think because we cook together EVERY night when we can afford to eat out (which is only often in the next few months because of trying to see everyone before christmas) we like to enjoy it. I think that's why we blow out a bit. It's also my chance at the weekend to not have to cook and just relax.
But losing weight isn't easy I know, so maybe if I can organise some easy weekend meals (slow cooker!) it will tempt us to eat in.
Having rice ready is easy enough so yeah good idea.
I'll have to figure out how I can balance it but stay happy. I'm still losing weight so I guess if it is slower because of a weekend I should accept that - doesn't make it easy to though