Yes!! I want to do a smaller version of one and have no fitness/strength what so ever at the mo. Spoke to PT at the gym today and they think I could be ready to do a 7km one in October with the right training so surely you with your amazing fitness and willpower could be ready for May?? You already train they way they'd tell you to for getting ready to do one so have a massive advantage surely?
It would be a monster challenge but if anyone is on the right track to complete one, you are!
Would be an amazing achievement to finish xxx
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You are amazing!! I can't believe you've signed up...I'm in awe...I don't think I could ever do a tough mudder!! Even my friend who's doing the marathon this year vowed never to do are a machine!!
Haha you'll be doing an Iron Man next xxx
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Are the tough mudders 10k?
I have to say they don't really appeal to me. I could be tempted to try it out if it was 5k but running 10k through mud and obstacles doesn't sound like a challenge to me. It sounds like a punishment!!!
You looked great in the photos from the weekend Jess - just catching up!! And so exciting about Prague! I'm only back and I want to go away again!!!!xx
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You crazy Tough-Muddering lady! Such an inspiration Jess - you will be running marathons like Lil next! xxx
10 miles and killer obstacles! You're a stronger woman than me!!
Rob has his Tough Mudder whilst I'm in vegas, I'm so nervous for him!
Great work on the scales!! Enjoy your fake friday! Cant wait to hear all about your weekend! xxx