hi all ladies ,diet is so so ,im just trying to consentrate on getting through xmas and dan's 1st anniversary and also full of a cold (it finally grabbed hold of me ),we went to the "light up a life ", on sunday at the hospice where dan passed jordan was really upset has he hasnt been there since dan passed but he got through it with his bravery shining through i was and am so proud of him(jordan),the light will shine and twinkle for months now and the look absoluty lovley !!!
so back to the diet im really not on it but im trying to be good at the same time and apart from the odd chocolate or 5 im being good i think ,i will be back to it on 2nd jan and im looking forward to putting some routine back in the diet mmmmm !!
i hope all u ladies are doing ok ,i finish work on 24 december until the 10th jan !!!
so ladies " HAPPY XMAS TO YOU ALL " LUV YA ALL !!!!!!!!!