Hey Jez

I enjoyed reading this, and you are doing brilliantly so far! I love the details you go into.
I guess I must comment on the 'head stuff'... Realistically those thoughts: "What else can I have?", or "Go on, another piece won't hurt" ... they won't go away. Yes, they will only get stronger. They are the sort of things that will be in place for a very long time, but I'm glad you've brought it up now, and are recognising those thoughts on a conscious level. Because, think back a few months Pre-LL. You'd have your meal, and then you'd still FEEL a little peckish and maybe go to the cupboard have a scout around. ... yes? That was that exact thought, but on a subconscious level. That is what made us all get the way we were pre-LL.
So, Well Done on recongising that.

This is all positive, don't be scared of the thoughts, embrace them. Document them and explore them.
What next you say? Next, we start applying logic and the counselling we received. For now, your daily consumption is the top limit of how much your body can handle after a VLCD: so there is no room for extra. Follow it to the dot (some weeks WILL be painful because the additions are so slow, but bare with it. There is method in the madness.).
Tell yourself: What you have on your plate is all you're gonna get. Make a conscious decision of it.
Next, the "What else can I have?" after the meal feeling. Well, that is something that you, yourself need to address and find mechanisms for tackling. I've had to experiment, and have found ways which work.
1st of all: I tell myself that minutes after a meal, there is absolutely no reason for me to still be hungry. I actually remember the TIME on the clock of when I finished my last morsel; and if I'm hungry within 3 hours of that time, then it's NOT REAL HUNGER. It's my head screwing around.
2nd of all: Don't feel guilty about taking your time over your food. I enjoy it, and savour every bite. My boyfriend gets very annoyed that I still take about 45 minutes to eat every meal I have. And I finished my RTM back on the 1st June! I mean, where are we rushing? Savour the meal. The longer you take to eat, the more effective the food. Chewing it properly, the delectible flavours, and most of all: it takes 30 minutes for the stomach to actually realise that it's full. I must say, I enjoy the fact that my stomach doesn't hurt anymore because it's full to bursting point!
3rd of all: If I do have an over-whelming desire to have something else after a meal: it's usually because of the lingering tastes and sensations left in the mouth. What you do, is break it. Either have a coffee or tea, or even some plain old minty chewing gum! Chewing gum is a saviour in my case, because my demon is the need to always chew something!
4th point which is worth mentioning: The emotional side. If you get a 'hunger' pang for something specific, such as you actually suddenly feel hungry with one food in mind (be it chocolate, bread, whatever) then it's not real. Real hunger never concerns itself with what you want to eat...! Plus; you will need to start addressing as to why you felt that way. What caused it? I know a lot of my emotional hunger is caused by restlessness (waiting for something), loneliness and boredom. You will slowly discover your triggers too by being aware!
On another note, if you do someday decide to visit the Westfield centre for some lovely new garments, I'd be happy to come and meet up.

I'm not in need of clothes at the moment (being a poor student and all!), but I'd be delighted to come and have some healthy walking around, offer some advice and maybe even have a salad lunch from an awesome Salad Bar there! You can choose exactly what goes in it and how it's served! Perhaps a little further down your RTM journey it'll be an interesting place to go.