RTM Day 27 (Week 4)
Yay!! I am finally free for the next 36 hours and it is all going to be about me, me and me. Selfish yes, but in a totally good day. I made a promise to myself to devote some time to me in my new life and this what tomorrow is all about. Even though I had to work today, it was pretty good.
Woke up at 8 and thought nooooo still tired, so slept till 10am I really needed it. At least felt a little more human when I woke up for the second time. Sat in bed with Miss Lily stroking her beautiful pregnant belly, having a coffee and reading mini mins - pure bliss. Breakfast was only at midday and was a Muller Mandarin with a small peach chopped, 40g raspberries and 10g blueberries - it was the prettiest bowl of food, really looked like a sunrise and made me very happy.
Got to town a little early so spent 10 minutes sitting in the churchyard of St Paul's enjoying the sunshine and watching the passers by. Lol was very amused to see a guy giving me a long hard stare and then his gf giving him the evil eye!!! something that has never happened to me before. I felt gorgeous and was wearing a fab new outfit. I seem to be taking a lot more time and trouble over my appearance. Hopefully one day soon a lovely man will really take notice!! I am planning a night out soon with the sister. The plan is, to put on the glad rags, do the hair and make up. Head into central London, to a bar with some decent man potential - any suggestions of places are welcome ladies and gents. Sit down and have a single glass of champers sipped very slowly, take in the scenery and see who we meet. Lol perhaps it is a totally lame idea and won't work.
Sorry, got totally side tracked there. Back to the food. The wedding was great but I had what I term a small oops. Not sure how bad it was or if I am being too critical of myself. But I had 50g of smoked salmon with 15g of the fennel that was the starter in place of my food pack. Now it could be worse, I could have binged on the toffee pud or other delights. At least this was about the same cals as a pack. What I did that was wrong was eat it on the hoof, I did not sit down and have it as a meal. Having said all of that it was effing delicious!!! Had 30g of grapes as a snack before I left for home. Much walking through various tube stations etc, the walk between bank and monument to the c&d line is looooooong and I was carrying 2 very heavy bags - but was quite pleased as it is good calorie burning.
Dinner was magnificent. Salmon fillet of about 115g, topped this with a squeeze of lemon, some lemon zest, fresh dill a little wholegrain mustard and some fat free cream cheese - baked this in the oven. To go with this, some of the ratatouille I made earlier this week, fresh asparagus and the remains of my cabbage, leek and spinach mix. Absolutely scrummy and quite low cal apart from the salmon. The meal total was 298 cals.
Pud was an orange jelly and yoghurt which I am busy finishing off now. I am also undecided do I have a bar and cup of tea later or a shake either hot or cold!
Soooo looking forward to tomorrow. Going to read my RTM week 5 and plan for some lovely meals for next week. One idea is a slow braised beef shin with some carrot, shallot and mushroom - done in it's own stock which would become a divine casserole. Serve this on celeriac mash!! Also absolutely planning a butternut squash soup. Some sweet potato chips and some roasted parsnips!! God so much choice it is almost too much. Still undecided about the wine, but will see how it goes.
More anon