Silver Member
Hope you can rest a bit and well done on the 1,600. I lost count at 2,000 today but am on dd from now. xx
Oh never mind - better than a gain. Maybe you should stay home until the heart trace results come back? xx
Yes you are in agreement with my GP, she has signed me off for 4 weeks until we have all the test results back. I'm feeling a lot better but things still not completely right!
OH & I have decided to change our WI to Sat morning and I'm going to re start my exercise as all this sitting around on my backside is not achieving anything. UD today and having a nice healthy day but with a lovely home made hamburger with cheese for tea!!! Yum
New WI day, and success 1lb off!!! Yipee on the way down down down again. Started a bit of gentle exercise as dizziness not so bad the last couple of days. walked up the road to the Farm shop this morning..and took it nice & slowly, but at least I'm moving again. Nothing naughty foodwise in the house - so the weekend should be relaxed but not excessive LOL!!
Hi Everyone, sorry I have not been around much! this week has been unbelievably hectic. Between OH & myself we have had 3 hospital appointments & one GP's appointment! We also had a couple of long standing visits to make in between so simply no time to be on here!!
anyway, glad to report that I've had a good week eating wise and not been on the scales, so WI tomorrow will be a complete surprise!!!
I've had my 24hr ECG recorder on and should know more next week. Hopefully next week will also be a bit quieter!
Hi Ang, feel free to join us, sorry not to have replied before. With JUDDD you just have to try it & see....I personally eat about 1700-1800 on UD's, but I am over 60 & don't exercise much. If you are young & active you can eat more. Try the JUDDD website calculator & see what Dr J advises!