ID day turned into an UD today!!! I felt really hungry today, which is weird as I ate well yesterday?? Anyway, had fruit, cereal & yog as normal before work, 2 breaks in shift, had coffee with milk on both and picked at some ham pieces that were in the fridge before dinner. I had 3 fish fingers in a wholemeal bun for dinner..yum..I love fish fingers, then ate some toffees, that led to icw cream with caramel sauce...??!!!...What was going on..then I had Pizza & jacket for tea..a few more toffees...a melon liqueur with diet lemonade...and just before midnight 4 cheddars biscuits!!!!.....Thank God its now a DD because I won't eat now. Must have had well over 2000 cals yesterday..gave up logging after 1800!!!