Well so far so good and no I'll effects from jillian Michaels.....yet!!

kinda looking forward to doing it again tomorrow wanna see where this 30 days will get me too.
Have been an absolute SW angel so far this week too, this is the most focused ive been in I would say well over 3 months and boy does it feel amazing

even tonight mum wanted takeaways and last few weeks I've been "giving in" but no tonight was strong and determined not to give in I had jacket spud and beans instead

I just feel refocused on what I'm doing and also where I wanna be with my friends wedding coming up which I want a pretty dress for and also holiday to France not too far away i really really really wanna be at my club 10

and you know what I do think I will be
In other news have had a lovely week off work, altho it has gone so so fast which is a bit of a bummer. Have squeezed a fair bit into that time tho and had a fair bit of news too found out I have a place on online masters degree I applied for

also got offered the Job I interviewed for on Tuesday

so am a pretty happy lady at the mo. also managed to squeeze in getting a new tattoo done which I've been promising myself for a good while