JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

lol you just had me cracking up joanne as i remember the first day i done the dvd i tried to go up the stairs and my legs were like jelly i nearly fell down lol. it does get better though my darling so try and keep it up but do watch out for day 2 and 3 when your aching all over but dont worry day 4 and onwards is downhill as is much easier and the results are amazing i couldnt get in to a size 14 but after doing the dvd for 20 days i hadnt changed in weight but could fit in them i guess its cause muscle is heavier.
anyway keep doing it and youll feel great after a week but if its too hard you could start off doing it every other day then when your used to it do it daily.
well done for getting through day 1 it was hard.
Well done on the big weight loss last week Joanne and good luck with finding your ideal job out there- its there somewhere :)

I don't blame you for not wanting to do total exante for too much longer. I've just received another bumper pack but am very much tailoring it to my needs. For example this week I had 6 days on and 1 day off it and will be doing the same next week. Then I might move to either working solution or try weigh watchers. I don't have much left to lose but I don't want it to start creeping on so need to keep it in check!

That DVD sounds cruel! I'll stick with my wii fit and wii personal trainer! The just dance wii game also get a sweat worked up!
Yep it was an absolute killer Spyro. Im so glad it gets easier.

Colly you do all sorts of things from jumping jacks to lunges and crunches. Really is unbelievably difficult though.

Shimmy Ive never tried it with cinammon - I always have my vanilla with coffee.

If I were you Id start refeeding just now Susie. With only 5lbs to go you could be at goal weight in no time. I do think WW is a good idea for maintaining though.
i'm sure my downstairs neighbour would loooove if i got involved in some jumping jacks :eek:
I was very aware of mine as well. Made sure I stayed away fromt he middle of the floor so their light wasnt shaking, lol.
he gets annoyed at me and hammers on the ceiling if someone in the sitting room so much as taps their foot, i imagine the shock of me jumping up and down would end him lol x
you'd hope so!! haha he doesn't know how lucky he has it, i'm boring and don't have people round often or have parties, or stay up late, nothing!
Sound like a perfect neighbour to me. Mine must hate me coz it is impossible to keep 2 kids quiet all the time, especially when you have a wii, lol. That said he has a dog so he cant complain too much.
Well day 2 of the dvd is complete. Rather than stay in bed I got up early and did it again although day 2 was even harder than day 1 coz I was already sore. So proud of myself for doing it though.
Thats my thinking Lucy coz my stomach is huge but its loose skin more than fat so Im hoping building the muscle will help bring it in.
Yeah anythings worth a try. Although the necessity for a tummy tuck at the end of all this is looking more likely by the day.
well done joanne am really proud of you keep it up hun you really will be stiff these first few days but just keep telling yourself its only 20mins and although its hard they do go quite quick and also its definately working if your aching all over and the only way to solve it is too push through even with the achyness just think one more hard day left and day 4 should be easier hun.
I think skin takes a while to catch up, maybe months after you've lost the weight it could still be tightening up, there's hope yet ;)
Theres always hope Lucy.

Spyro I just went to the kitchen to turn on the heating and my legs are in absolute agony. On the plus side it will certainly stop me eating coz the thought of having to move to go and get something fills me with horror, lol.
lol take it easy for the rest of the day youve done your deed of the day. im hoping to start again tomorrow i havnt done it in 10 days as it was too hard when the kids were around so thought id start last week but then have hurt my arm and shoulder picking up my lump of a one year
yeah thanks hun