JoanneM's Diary - over 8 stone gone!

Well I have to say my night out definitely didn't affect my weight loss. Suffice to say I'm extremely happy with what the scales are saying so far this week. Roll on Friday and official WI.
Yay :wee:

Great news joanne, Makes the headache more bareable hee hee
Very true Nee.

I'm thinking my inch loss treatment might actually have something to do with the loss coz since starting back on Wednesday I've lost more weight than I normally do in an entire week. So maybe it has been £650 well spent. Time will tell though.
Still have a minor headache today unfortunately but other than my mums accounts I don't have much on today so should be fine soon.

My next treatment is on Tuesday. Then another one on Thursday and another 2 every week until the 8 weeks are up. I'm just really hoping it tones my stomach a bit, any extra weight loss is just a bonus.
i am soooo going for that treatment if it works that well treat to myself :D
Im thinking that must be what it is Colly coz Ive never had that good a first weeks loss. Dont know if Ive said it already but in the past 5 days Ive lost 6lbs which is an amazing loss for me. Just wish tfr wasnt so bloody difficult.
it'll be worth it joanne, you are so close to goal in the grand scheme of things. well done on fantastic loss...x
I know. I think if I can just get through February and into the overweight bracket Ill feel better about everything. Im hoping I might even be able to move onto WS then but Ill see how it goes.
Hiya Joanne, thought I'd pop by and say hi! :D Hope your day is going well for you, mine has been much easier today, maybe because I'm back at work xx maxi xx
It is much easier when you are busy. I was fine all morning but then started struggling around 3.30 today. Ill get there though.
i find im fine during the day when im on my own. its in the late afternoon when the family are home and in the evenings when i have to make midnight snacks for hubby i find i fail. :(
I was supposed to be cooking a chicken today for the kids but I knew it just wasnt an option. One sniff of it and Id have had to eat some of it. Im out all day tomorrow so hoping Im more up to it tomorrow night.
I wasnt 100% yesterday. Was absolutely starved all day and ended up having some lettuce at 6pm which was fine. Then at 9 I had some sliced ham coz it was less calories than another pack, lol.

Anyway all being well it will be back to 100% today although I have a meeting at the school this afternoon to discuss DS's behaviour. I had hoped he had improved coz he has improved at home but apparently not. :(

On the plus side the clothes I have on today feel too big. They look ok but I just have too much room to move in them if you know what I mean. Fingers crossed those 16s are getting even closer coz the sooner I get to a size 12/14 the sooner I can stop TS and I really dont know how much longer I can keep it up. The scales didnt move this morning but I suppose it had to slow down sooner or later. Fingers crossed they will get moving again before Fridays WI though.
As I am new to this I cant really advise you, but I know right now I couldnt do 3 packs only. I can now see that was what was tipping over the edge and causing me to eat in the first few days of trying this. As soon as I said to myself I can have 4 packs a day, it became so much easier in my head. xx
I know it wont do me much harm but I did really want to stay 100%. Im not going to beat myself up over it though coz Id much rather an extra 100 calories in the form of protein than end up binging on carbs and if it keeps me going then its definitely worth it.

Thats where I ended up going off the rails last time. Rather than allow myself something which wouldnt hurt I would pick at random things and eventually I reached the stage I was just kidding myself on. Thats why I had to take a break from Exante for a couple of weeks. Am back now and determined that it wont beat me though and if that means the odd bit of protein or an extra pack then so be it.