Thank you, what a great review, I wish I had read it before trying to order my sausages etc.
When I ordered the items I wanted, I went to the checkout, that is when the PayPal sign came up. I did not want a paypal account so I clicked 'pay by credit card', I was re-directed to fill in the card details but the PayPal sign was still there, so rather than get involved with PayPal, I deleted the order.
The morning after I received a telephone call from a very nice lady from Joes sausages,

who had noticed I had placed an order but had not completed the payment side of it and she was ringing to see if there was a problem.
I explained to her about PayPal and she set my mind at rest by telling me that when I pay by credit card it is not a PayPal account I am setting up.
I told her I would definitely go back on the website and start my order again.
It does put your mind at rest when someone takes the time to ring you up and sort out your problems.
Once again, thanks to you all on minimins, and next time before I order anything on line to do with weight watching, I shall check out Minimins first.