Carpe diem
I weighed myself this morning after a not-too-brilliant DD on Weds and a UD yesterday and found I've stayed the same. With a DD today and a UD / ID at the weekend, I'm also hoping for a 1 - 2lb loss by Monday 
I have seriously overdone things today & now I feel like death warmed up:
Last night was flat-packed tv cabinet & desk for the room we've just redecorated. Today was supposed to be a DD but is more like an ID. I cleared the shed out completely then reboxed everything, chucked stuff & restacked. Looks so much better but today is way too hot to try doing this on a DD. I took a trip to the tip too but ending up eating when I got back as I felt sick & faint. I think I just overdid it in the weather but oh boy do I feel rough now. Have done nearly 10,000 steps already and it's only 4 o'clock.
On the plus side - 1) weighing this morning after an UD yesterday my weight stayed the same at 11,13 & 2) I got 96% in my latest Maths assignment, which came back in the post today so all in all an ok day.
Just have to say, this is fantastic and just what I need. Can't face SS at the moment so going to give JUDD a go. Thanks Karion for this. I am one very happy inspired judderer.![]()
WOW for your weight, your exhausting but calorie burning physical efforts AND the maths result! Very well done.