Joined slimming world tonight

Friday we’ll today I weighed and oh my god it said 16.10 3/4. Which means Iv lost 2 3/4 this week. But in total Iv shifted 6lb this week including the gain I had . I’m buzzing and I have 1 3/4 to get my two stone 😀😀😀

Its pay day for me today so decided I’m having a glass of wine tonight so Iv weighed today .

OMG OMG OMG that's amazing!!!
So your official weigh in is - 2 3/4 wow that's a great loss after the weekends gain as well. I bet you're buzzing. I know I would be.
Everything seems to be coming together for you at the minute and you are well and truely out of the 1lb club!
I'm sure you'll smash you're 2 stone target next week, if everything goes to plan for you like it has done this week :)
Enjoy your wine, you deserve it!!
Ye I am buzzing lol haha

Reckon would of deffo got three tomorrow but I’m having a drink tonigjt. Olivia had her jabs today was horrid so I need a glass lol.

Ye also with bein 16.10 feel safe n 16s now lol
Morning saturday

Weighed this morning gained 1 1/4 also got a bad night tonight so il know in the morning what the damage is prob about 2 1/2 like normal lol.

Really want my 2 stone this week and really hoping I get it . Once I reach that I’m on the 1 stone count down. 😀😀😀

Plan for today is keep cals low so it helps tonight. Knowin me tho il be out later and think oh stuff it lol.

Breakfast 2 x crumpets 150
Lunch somethin light around 300 cals
Tea takeaway and wine

I did have 1 glass off wine last night so il finish that bottle and won’t open another so that should save me. I might even pick up some diet lemonade today and make spritzers.

Just tried the crumpets thins really nice they are 53 cals each and I like the fact I had two on my plate.
Check these out


350 cals for whole tub of cookies and cream ice cream . Guess what im buyin next week 😍

Well today is going well haven’t eaten anythin yet still feel really full. Might try and go untill tea time as got chicken dinner just drink plenty this afternoon the fluids will fill me up .

Just worked out got 4 more Saturdays untill hol so got to be really good now. I reckon if Iv gained about 3lb realistically il get my 2 stone for definite a week on sat ,but hopefully this sat depends what iv gained from last two nights. That leaves me 2 weeks left to shift enough so I stay below the 16.9 while on hol. I reckon what I gain will come off tho that first week.

Then got 8 weeks loose that final stone this is so do able I got this 👍
You got this!!!
Perhaps don't have a cheat Saturday until after your holiday but make some nice meals at home instead and portion control lol Easily said I know.
I have a bar of dairy milk i'm hoping i'll only have 1 line a day, we'll see. it's not until you've had one bit you get the taste for it though is it, so not bothering to eat all day is a good idea, doesn't hurt to fast a bit now and then, especially after a night of heavy food haha. Go you!!!
You having a laugh 😂😂😂😂no takeaway for 3 weeks hahahahaha . Won’t happen hun maybe what il do is pick somethin like a maccies or chow mein as il still
Be within my cals for day if makes sense.

Ye I’m the same soon as get taste I need more so try not to have any or have a bar and go out I’m happy with a bar.
Lol well you could try ;-)

I'm just checking calories for brewers fayre, gonna have a giant yorkie with sausages, mash etc mm mm mm but it's cost me lots of calories just for that argh! At least that won't be until around 6pm tonight and i'll have a diet coke or two, I won't have any snacks today now, shouldn't of had the left over pancake but it was small so counting it as a half haha. Once the shakes are finished i'm definitely not bothering with them anymore, too many calories and I need to chew on stuff, rather have some chopped up carrots/celery/cucumber/peppers with me to nibble on and a low cal dip, hmm, will think of that for next week. I'm sure that they'd be no where near the same calories, would take ages to eat and obviously all speedy veg haha (still got slimming world in my head). I reckon i'd only have a 100 - 150 calories all in for that.
Ye all veg and stuff like that really low. When ever I have salad I have lettuce tomatoes and cucumber and count it as 50 cals.

I’m the same I think they are good to fill you up but I’d sooner chew food. It’s like I had crumpet thins for breakfast yesterday 53 cals each and I count 50’for butter so 150 . I’d even sooner have piece of toast with somethin on it.

Well done on checkin cals that what I do. Enless it’s only meal havin all day and I have what I want within reason
You’ll smash your mini targets, so no need to worry at all.

I think like you said you need to change your takeaway decisions. I think you still need to have your treat night because it keeps you going for the rest of the week but maybe change what you have.

Leigh, have you thought about breaking your chocolate bar into bits and bagging up portions for each day? I’ve made snack bags and they work well.
Monday. + 3 1/4

God I New would be bad but that’s really bad. You just know when eating chinese it’s goin to be bad it’s really bulky isn’t it. If I think tho what I had over weekend it was a lot . I will keep weighing untill my gain has gone makes me more determined seeing it go.

Today’s plan eat very little 😀😂