Oh yeah why not, life is about living and if you can't celebrate occasions, then what's the point? I know what you mean about that bloated feeling, when I started this plan a month or so ago, I remembering my stomach screaming at me as it went into shock, I was seriously bloated and in pain, but that's due to having such a poor diet prior to starting and now I don't get bloated at all. Only thing that does irritate me is the wind.... I think it's the veg/fruit, but if it means i'll lose weight and i'm much healthier great, but if anyone is reading this and have suggestions, please share!
Oh that's great you got the spray in conditioner, you'll find it'll really help you brush her hair through as it gets longer too, omg the knots in Angel's hair at times, particularly if she stays with her dad and it's not been cared for! I also make sure I use conditioner after shampooing her hair, anything to make it easier lol. Her hair is soooo beautiful when I wash it and leave it dry naturally, I wish she loved it as much. When I was little I had heated benders I used to get my mum to put in and I blinking slept in them, god knows how I did it!