Ye that's how I feel . I hate mine daughter has grabbed at them that much by mistake they never fit right,get them adjusted but only stay nice few weeks and fit feel they fit nice.
You should go get a free trial it's a month free at specsavers. Usually arrive within a week but mine took 3 as I have a stigma so had to wait longer. If I get on with them will be 22 a month which I think isn't bad at all really
Bloody nightmare haha. I can't wear them it's not the contacts I'm fine at getting in and out don't get me wrong don't enjoy getting them out seems wrong playing with your eyes.
As the prescription is wrong they are just useless and how they tell me it fine to drive with then have no idea. Every so often my vision goes blurd and my eyes were really strained put them in for 2 hours on Monday and took them out. I'd say it's only today my eyes feel normal. I was squinting all the time there rubbish.
Specsavers have annoyed me to be honest waited 3 weeks and didn't even get my prescription. Should of rung and asked me if wanted correct prescription to wear for 8 hours or not my prescription to wear for longer. I mean come on no rocket science is it lol. Fair enough if your eyes are not to bad but mine are shocking.
When I went to town popped into vision express and they do a trial but it's 25 pound where you go back after a fortnight. Going to wait for the other specsavers have ordered and as long as my vision is ok in them going to go and order with vision express .
Don't feel confitdent with specsavers to be honest she sat there saying the prescription is wrong because these are dailies if have monthly it will be right. I replied with they are monthly can't have daily as got stigmatism she went oh ye . (That's the optician haha)
You sound so different form a few weeks ago! Go you! So positive, it's fabGood luck for tonight hunny