Awwww that's so lovely. This man really wants me. He's making it very clear! I wish my life (and his) wasn't complicated, it won't stop us meeting occasionally but it's not as easy as it was before kids haha, thankfully he has a boy my boys age, so has a certain amount of understanding. I wanna be strong, see where it goes. I was only saying a little while ago I like being single, then this happens, but it is just a perfect way of meeting someone. Last two bf's I met online, didn't last long at all. This guy has obviously listened to me at work, got to know me a bit and got to like me first, just for being me. It's nice! Not introducing anyone else to my kids unless it got really really serious, a good year I think, maybe 2, sounds mad, but I will only get them involved if this person is planning to stick around. Anyway, it's new, it's fresh, exciting, fun and making me happy and today is a day and tomorrow is another, anything can happen.