Joined slimming world tonight

17.10 3/4

Meaning Iv gained 1/2 from Saturday mornin . Im quite pleased with that. If U remeber I gained 1lb sat night so lost half of that. Also I’m due on any time so could be fluid. Hopefully they scale will just do a big drop Saturday morning lol I still have 3 full days . I want to be 17.9 on sat so I get my stone we shall see
17.10 3/4

Meaning Iv gained 1/2 from Saturday mornin . Im quite pleased with that. If U remeber I gained 1lb sat night so lost half of that. Also I’m due on any time so could be fluid. Hopefully they scale will just do a big drop Saturday morning lol I still have 3 full days . I want to be 17.9 on sat so I get my stone we shall see

That's not bad really is it. Like you say you're bloated and you've lost part of your gain from Sunday morning. Plus you've lost over 12lb in a month, that is fab :)
Stick with it and I'm sure you'll see a result on Saturday.
Yep I keep telling myself I’m being good so eventually I will see the good results . I’m actually proud of myself because when ever been on slimming world and due on I could eat a horse and I’ve resisted that jelly really helped think will Make more today
All this for 478 cals . One of the slimming world meals that I just found In the freezer. Iv also come on so yipppe I may get a loss on Saturday
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All this for 478 cals . One of the slimming world meals that I just found In the freezer. Iv also come on so yipppe I may get a loss on Saturday

That looks lovely :)
I always try to eat anything stodgy when it's totm so i don't give in. Last night I had chilli and wedges just so I was full. I'm terrible on my first day, after that I'm fine.
You can now think positive for will get your stone :)
What was I saying earlier lol. Olivia has just been feeding me maltesers and I happily accepted haha .
I was really craving choc hope not to much damage done lol