Gold Member
Hi valerie,
Thanks for all that... I will check my booklet in a bit - pg 11 and I will also mention this to my leader this Thursday .... btw, is there a list on WW's e-source regarding this? Thanks again for taking the time to reply and check things out for me. It sure would be great if all those items were free but I don't think that I can control myself... I need the points to keep me controlled regarding how much I eat... but as my personal circumstances are very hectic, I will have to do such days when I haven't got the time to measure & point up - have to take my lad to hospital 5 times a week! Are you allowed to eat as many meals as you want on this Simply Filling or are you restricted to only 3 meals? x
hi hun i usually have 3 meals with couple snacks in between i just write the snacks at the end of the day in one go. it's like sw where as you eat till satisfied not stuffed, it wold be ok to eat homemade veg soup more often through the day but would still have to watch the rest of the food and don't forget the 49 weeklies u get on simply filling, why don't u read through the simply filling diaries it will give you an idea what to eat and look at their losses to see how they are doing on it, hope this helps good luck xx