Jojo's lipotrim rants!

I've been thinking about haribo tangfangtastics all day, for a split second earlier I considered going to the shop and starting 2moro and then I snapped out if it and kept going.
I was small though so this weight to me feels what your is to you and my goal weight is between 9st - 9.5 and that's still a long way away from 11st 12 dreading this! Have you had a weigh in?

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Jojobear said:
I've been thinking about haribo tangfangtastics all day, for a split second earlier I considered going to the shop and starting 2moro and then I snapped out if it and kept going.
I was small though so this weight to me feels what your is to you and my goal weight is between 9st - 9.5 and that's still a long way away from 11st 12 dreading this! Have you had a weigh in?

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lol They sure are tasty.
But you gotta snap out of it woman! No more, "I'll do it tomorrows!" you gotta say to yourself, Today! THE DAY! It hurts. And it tortures your mind when your body keeps trying to give you reasons why you should go out and get it. Because you'll be good the next day so you'll make up for it. I've done the same thing and before you know it? The week has ended and you haven't done a thing. You might run for hours, walk, swim...jump a trampoline. But all that don't mean nothing if you go back to eating junk thinking it won't make a difference to your body. Cos it will.

Trust me. It takes mental strength to keep to a diet. And the only reason we keep going is because we see the changes are paying off. But if you don't start making that first step to change? Well. You'll spend the rest of the year wishing you had your figure back.

Let the weight loss.... beginnnn!!!
You have inspired me :) I know I can do it, I've done it before and succeeded but I guess it's not eating and not smoking that makes it twice as hard. But I will do this and in 13-15 days I will be at 10th 13 !!! If I get to 10.5 I think I will re feed .. Once I can dress myself I can lose the rest myself !

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Jojobear said:
You have inspired me :) I know I can do it, I've done it before and succeeded but I guess it's not eating and not smoking that makes it twice as hard. But I will do this and in 13-15 days I will be at 10th 13 !!! If I get to 10.5 I think I will re feed .. Once I can dress myself I can lose the rest myself !

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Of course you can do it Jojo. You can do anything you want to, if you put your mind to it.
Don't let your addictive habits barr you from reaching your goal.
Each day you complete your lipotrim, just think to yourself that it's one day closer to getting you where you want your life to be and eating is a step away further.

Also forgot to mention. I did do my weigh in Monday morning. Was happy to see that I lost 15.4lbs because I worked really hard for that by walking around my local park 3 times in an hour (not sure of the mileage, but it was long!).
This week, as I monitor my progress, I see a contrast from last week Monday where I lost 4lbs by the end of the day. But it's cool though. I expect that since I was retaining water. And my body's probably still holding steadfast on the fat. But again, just dancing, doing jumping jacks, walking...all helps to burn the fat to provide my workout with energy.

If you ever feel like you're gonna cheat? Try speaking to someone. Get even more inspired.
I know you can do it Jojo. Believe that you can :)
I'm gonna have a fourth shake , it's either that or I fail and I will not let myself fail

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Hey deezer ,
I'm okay , just feeling sorry for myself and hungry and wanted a 4th shake. I'm not sleeping well and I can see myself being awake for a while. It's better than binging I guess. How are you?

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It's probably the weather , it's been miserable the last few days in Dublin I always overeat when it's cold out

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Yeah its def getting colder and darker!! *Wails* Just think how slim you'll be by the festive period!!! I can't wait for that!!! : ) x
Jojobear said:
It's probably the weather , it's been miserable the last few days in Dublin I always overeat when it's cold out

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You're really finding this diet tough aren't you JoJo. I really want you to succeed this time but it sounds like you're struggling more than the rest of us.
I was thinking maybe you should try a healthy eating diet first (without all the junk and the binge eating) just to help you get passed some of the cravings, do your usual exercise and then when you stop feeling the hunger pains from fat and sugar withdrawl, you could come back to the lipotrim maybe? Because it's like a shock to the system after one week of eating anything you wanted and then BAM! starvation mode. If you fast for a couple of days? and start eating the next? you're just gonna gain more.

I know you're trying your best, but I just think you should do what feels good to you.
Hi girls

I am gonna stick with it Miami , I was probably being over dramatic I am struggling but I think I probably voice myself more than the average. Today is day 3 and I am going to keep busy :)

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Jojobear said:
Hi girls

I am gonna stick with it Miami , I was probably being over dramatic I am struggling but I think I probably voice myself more than the average. Today is day 3 and I am going to keep busy :)

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Good for you. I'm glad. Was getting worried there for a second :D
Nah I can do this :) how are you today Miami? Did you have a good day yesterday?

I had a dream I ate a pizza and woke up guilt ridden hahaha

Sorry what's your name petal?

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Nah I can do this :) how are you today Miami? Did you have a good day yesterday?

I had a dream I ate a pizza and woke up guilt ridden hahaha

Sorry what's your name petal?

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I dreamt i ate toast!!!

I wish!!!

Haha deezer , crazy isn't it I was sure I ate the pizza when I woke up I felt so guilty!

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Hey MB,

You've done fantastic, whats your secret? Are you big into your fitness? This week, I'm struggling with excercise, last night I was sleeping for 7pm :-(

I think I need to ensure I take my shakes the same time everyday, this is possibly why I feel tired this week. I was trying to see if I cold hold out longer.
ficole said:
Hey MB,

You've done fantastic, whats your secret? Are you big into your fitness? This week, I'm struggling with excercise, last night I was sleeping for 7pm :-(

I think I need to ensure I take my shakes the same time everyday, this is possibly why I feel tired this week. I was trying to see if I cold hold out longer.

How are you getting on Ficole?

It's no secret. I think a lot of people lose a lot of weight/water retention in their first week...especially if they're heavy. This week has shown very little weight loss in comparison to my first weigh in. But I'm still pushing onwards and upwards! lol

I have tried a fair bit of exercise. Walking and dancing mainly but it's very difficult to do it for long periods of time because of the fatigue I feel.

I was thinking that myself. That maybe I should take my shakes at certain times like medicine. But not any time in specific. Just when I wake up, somewhere before 5pm and then 8pm when I do feel ready to go to bed an hour later.

How long has it been for you?