Well something I said must have got through, it still isn't solved the issue not by a long shot, he still feels that at this time he can not see himself ever getting married or having children again, however, he has been depressed due to not being in work (which thankfully he is again now), and has had to go to court for both sets of children in the past 18 months, and he has been hounded by the CSA for money that he didn't owe, we spoke and said that we would give ourselves two years.
This will allow life to get back to normal, for things with his children to calm down and for him to get back on a settled financial setting which will hopefully help to settle the depression.
Then we can both make a more informed choice about what to do for the future.
It will allow me to get to a healthier weight (hopefully my target weight by then), as at this point in time, it would be dangerous for me to even consider having children.
I love my partner and don't want to give up on the best relationship I've ever had for the wrong reasons.
Back to my weight issue, I am really proud of myself, instead of heading straight for the chocolate when things got tough this weekend, I headed for the fruit, and it's my TOTM too, a time when I have always in the past headed for the chocolate.
I'm going to have something to eat now and then I'm off for a walk.