Yay achieved my 2lb loss this week, so pleased to be on target.
I absolutely love this diet, it fits in perfectly with my lifestyle. I am a bit reluctant to call it a diet as its more a way of eating. I think that by giving myself 2 up days on the weekend I am more likely to stick to it long term. You know how enthusiastic you are on the 1st day of a diet, well you sort of get that on each of your Ddays and when you think I really need to eat something you can just keep telling yourself 'don't worry you can have something nice tomorrow' whereas on conventional diets you need to be in firm control 24/7 for the long term, you only ever have to be in such firm control for one day at a time. Then on your Up days you don't want to eat everything sight as you would imagine, you seem to want to make healthier choices, not sure why that is. I still have cakes and things as a treat on my up days when I feel like it though

Oooh and I found a link on here somewhere for an americam site that has lots of Juddd followers, really inspiring, a lot of them low carb too but one diet at a time I say

Anyway they have loads who have got to goal on Juddd and maintain by doing 1 Down day a week, if their weight starts to creep they up it to 2 and soon lose any excess. Sounds good to me, after all we are all good at dieting for a day aren't we!
Just to add that I think those that are used to very restricted food/calories will find this diet easier than those who aren't. The Down days are very low on cals, I have done tfr vlcd before so know what its like to go without 'proper food' for long periods, so to do it just for one day at a time is fairly 'easy' . Those who have done more generous diets i.e SW or WW may find the calories very restrictive to start but it does get easier.
Sorry for the long post but I really rate this diet as you can tell lol.
UP days today and tomorrow so I am off to have something nice for brekkie, see you soon