Jo's Juddd diary 2012

Whoop to the no longer obese. You are doing a great job of proving JUDDD works!!! Inspiring!!!
Awww thanks Mel, what are you up to for your Birthday any plans ???
I havent weighed this morning as Sun is my day off from weighing but I am expecting a huge gain tomorrow as I ate my body weight in choc fudge cake yesterday, we bought it for the kids (a Morrisons own one and it was gorge ) but I had a slice with a cup of tea, warm with cream and it was so lovely I had another slice after my lamb and mash and I also ate what was left of the babies, can't say I am sorry though as it was lovely but on a plus note I did turn down the Galaxy caramel I had bought for us !
bajoleth said:
Awww thanks Mel, what are you up to for your Birthday any plans ???
I havent weighed this morning as Sun is my day off from weighing but I am expecting a huge gain tomorrow as I ate my body weight in choc fudge cake yesterday, we bought it for the kids (a Morrisons own one and it was gorge ) but I had a slice with a cup of tea, warm with cream and it was so lovely I had another slice after my lamb and mash and I also ate what was left of the babies, can't say I am sorry though as it was lovely but on a plus note I did turn down the Galaxy caramel I had bought for us !

Tut Jo, seriously I'm sure you could have squeezed that Galaxy Caramel in .... ;)

P x
lol x
bajoleth said:
Awww thanks Mel, what are you up to for your Birthday any plans ???
I havent weighed this morning as Sun is my day off from weighing but I am expecting a huge gain tomorrow as I ate my body weight in choc fudge cake yesterday, we bought it for the kids (a Morrisons own one and it was gorge ) but I had a slice with a cup of tea, warm with cream and it was so lovely I had another slice after my lamb and mash and I also ate what was left of the babies, can't say I am sorry though as it was lovely but on a plus note I did turn down the Galaxy caramel I had bought for us !

Morning here! Happy Birthday! ! Your cake sounds yum.

I arrived in Florida at about 4 a.m. GMT. My dad is having a hip replacement on Monday, so I am here to take him to the hospital from the rehab (where he has been since August after his broken back was fixed). Then, after the op I will be "visiting" at the hospital until after he goes back to rehab. So, I am not sure if I'll do much of anything. It is on a Sunday -- so, I might be able to spend some "quality time" with my niece, great niece and great nephew: maybe go to the cinema and out to dinner. But, I am usually away on an all-inclusive holiday with my friend for my birthday (the past two years' anyway -- and we might do that around her birthday in November).
Morning Linda, hope you are well and enjoyed your weekend x
Only now getting a minute to post, well after my weekend I was expecting to see at least 12 1 on the scales this morning, choc fudge cake fest on sat and sun I grazed all day and I wasn't even hungry no idea what was going on there??? Anyway very pleased and surprised to see 11 13 so just a 4lb gain phew, that also means I am not going to see the 12's on the scales anymore which is great.
Menu for today
milk allowance 150 cals
1/2 pot soup 100 cals
Heinz pasta pouch 229 cals

total 479 cals

Weekly weights
sat 11 9 official weight loss of 1lb
sun ----
Mon 11 13 gain of 4 after 2 very UP UP days
Thats brilliant, no 12's ever again.....
Ah well done it must be so nice to be far away from the 12s I can't wait until I can feel safe and it won't keep popping up!
Out of the 12's forever Jo well done :D

Congrats! Well done!! Whoop!
There's something very satisfying about never seeing a certain weight bracket again. Sometimes single weigh ins don't mean as much cause they can fluctuate so much... But seeing a trend in lots of weigh ins is a very powerful boost. I think for me, seeing that I'm no longer in the 260s over a whole week is more important than what the scales say day to day x

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