Good girl Nat. You are in this for the long game.
See, I have worked out in my little head that doing CD most of the time, integrating it with exercise and occasional eating is much better for me in the long run than just SS then sorting the rest out.
That's how I did it last time. Stuck at SS rigidly and fearfully for months during which time I interacted little with either food or exercise.
Then I stuck running on the end and started eating Mullerlights again. Needless to say the weight went back on. Fast.
Yesterday I decided to eat two slices of quiche, some salmon and a slice of lemon torte at lunch. It was free, you see. That is my worst situation....I am an opportunist.
Would I ever buy cake from Tesco? No!
Would I get a muffin from starbucks with my daily coffee? I am in there every day and don't bat an eyelid!
So ok, I did two vending machine raids in a year. Both hormonally induced.....but we'll let them go.
Events and buffets are my worstest. They invert my normal food values...remove my choices....send me into free fall.
Or they did. Until I started to loosen up.
So yesterday I am approaching the buffet situation. I have managed myself splendidly on the protein front of late (despite the great cheese extravoganza last week). At a buffet at the Hilton on Friday I ate cold cuts and little chicken skewers, knowing I was on a running day. It stopped me feeling deprived and kept me in the game. The wide road saved me again.
Yesterday was a bit odd. I did mean to just eat the quiche topping, not the pastry but it went a bit wrong and I ate two full slices. I then chose to eat some lemon tart. Didn't feel bad.
On the way home in Costa I did have a moment when I learned my conecting train was going to take two hours to pull in......nearly got a chocolate plait but settled for a flat white coffee. MMMMMM.
Ran 3 miles when I got home, powered by the lemon tart and managed to get back into the pink. Ate some chicken. Day done.
Today I am not running so will be doesn't feel like a problem. Honestly. Making choices is becoming easier the more I do it.
I wonder if I am now officially a 100% CD girl any more though? I am committed to using the products for a very long time.....but my version of 100% is now more a case of shades of grey than black and white.
I like that. Learning to flex mental muscle is the most powerful think that has happened to me on my journey.
Have entered into a 10k race on Sunday and will need to fuel up on carbs from WI Thursday onwards. Will try not to go mad. Choices.....
Later lovelies xxx