So I'm now on day 25, and haven't updated on here as there hasn't really been a great deal to say, as I'm still 100%, not wavering and glad to be on plan. Back in my size 12 skinny jeans (though they are tight!) and now am only about 8lbs off a BMI of 25. All positive!
And yet, this weekend, I'm feeling a bit fed up! Not struggling as such, and no intention of coming off plan, mainly because I know if I come off before goal I won't have cracked it psychologically, but just generally wanting to be able to go out for a nice meal and be a normal eater.
Went for a long drive today around Wiltshire with my bf, and it was lovely, but normally I'd polish off a good 4 grab bags of crisps in a few hours in the car, and while I didn't want that, he stopped at the garage, ate two packaged sandwiches (which I don't like, but its still food I could smell!) and a pasty thing, which made me want food even though I wasn't hungry.
He also bought two big bags of sweets. They haven't been opened, but I'm sure he'll open them tonight and only eat half of them, which means half full bags of sweets in the flat, which I've been trying to avoid happening as its unnecessary temptation!
On top of that, he then stopped at an ice cream place, bought a huge pot and took TWENTY MINUTES to eat the flipping thing in the car.
I'm not hungry, and I don't want to eat, and I don't even like the stuff he's eaten today, but I'm irritated with myself that my relationship with food is so unhealthy I'm needing to do such an extreme plan to lose weight. Because, lets face it, it is extreme, but if I could manage to eat in moderation and exercise, my weight wouldn't be an issue in the first place!
He ate a lot today, but has no weight issue, because he eats lots if he's hungry and not so much if he's not. He enjoys a giant burger king meal, but doesn't feel the need to follow it with two giant bags of crisps and chocolate. I want to be like that, and thats what made me grumpy.
I think I need to accept I need to change my life after hitting goal. That doesn't mean depriving myself, and it doesn't mean only eating green things and exercising for hours a day, but it does mean that for most of the week, I need to eat proper meals, not junk food and takeaways. In the same way I'm taking this plan one day at a time, I think I need to do the same after plan and set goals in the same way as 4 shakes and 5 litres of water is my current daily goal.
I want to be able to have days where I eat stupid amounts of crap, but for it not to matter because I eat normally the rest of the time, and I'm frightened of that because I don't know how to do that. I guess the next 8 weeks will be the time for me to work it out.