well done girlys you've all done brilliantly I was disappointed with the 5lbs altho in honesty that was in 5 days so a lb a day wasn't terrible!! OH lost 9 in the 5 days so that's probably what made me feel sad! Finding myself also drawn to the smell of everything and anything!! My only thing keeping me grounded is that I want a pair of leather trousers!!!! picturing that is the only thing stopping me reaching for the bread and butter lol
i opted for a can of coke zero earlier that kinda helped and made my mint choc pack in to a kinda thick porridge earlier that at least allowed me to chew - i have missed chewing which i find sooooo weird!! Talked to CDC too about some days coming up in December and how to deal with those she's told me though not to deny myself xmas which was great but gave me tips, same with the upcoming father in law (x2) birthdays!! Gives me something to look forward to and means I can't cheat before!!