Gold Member
Hello everyone 
I have been a SW member for over 4 years now. I dabbled in and out of it for a few years before that too!
I originally got to target around 3 years ago and even though I felt fantastic and super slim, I struggled to maintain it. I reset my target up half a stone and managed to maintain it until this year.
For me Slimming World has been a genuine lifestyle change. I changed my habits not only around food, but with exercise too. For the last few years I have always done lots of exercise alongside SW. I am also a big wine and food fan so to find a happy balance and allow myself some wine/meals out at the weekend, I have done the 5:2 diet alongside SW. I don't always fast every week, just like I don't go out for meals every week. I also get straight back on plan after treating myself. I never let one bad meal or one bad day, turn into a binge or a week!
Generally my winning combo has been;
SW 3-4 days a week + 1-2 fast days a week + some treats + regular exercise = maintenance
So what's changed this year? The biggest change was breaking my foot. I sustained a really bad, multiple fracture in my foot at the end of November 5 weeks before my wedding. I wasn't able to even walk to the bathroom or make a cup of tea for weeks, never mind cook for myself. I wasn't able to do any regular exercise, to the extent I had been doing and Christmas, as we all know, is a really tough time to stay on plan anyway!
We went on honeymoon in January for 4 weeks. It was originally meant to be a really active honeymoon, with hiking, kayaking etc... but due to my injury, it turned into an eating/drinking/relaxing honeymoon. Every minute of it was fantastic and despite our plans changing, we both still had a great time. However... I came home around a stone heavier.
Over the past couple of months, I've managed to shift about half of it but it's been really hard. I've been away a lot with work, I've been tired, low energy with doing no exercise etc etc and I am struggling to shift this last half a stone.
My life is busy, I've always had it that way but I lost the weight before so I can do it again!! I am beginning to be able to build up my exercise again which I am so delighted about but I need to be more accountable for my food.
I'm hoping to post my food here every day.... good and bad, so I can be accountable!! If anyone has any hints/tips let me know. Despite having done the plan for years, I don't want to be complacent either!!
My weigh day in group is a Thursday. I haven't been for a few weeks as I've been away with work so I'm hoping I'm not nearer to the stone gain again!! I just want all my lovely clothes to fit again!
Sorry for the essay!! Hopefully I'll get chatting to some of you soon
I have been a SW member for over 4 years now. I dabbled in and out of it for a few years before that too!
I originally got to target around 3 years ago and even though I felt fantastic and super slim, I struggled to maintain it. I reset my target up half a stone and managed to maintain it until this year.
For me Slimming World has been a genuine lifestyle change. I changed my habits not only around food, but with exercise too. For the last few years I have always done lots of exercise alongside SW. I am also a big wine and food fan so to find a happy balance and allow myself some wine/meals out at the weekend, I have done the 5:2 diet alongside SW. I don't always fast every week, just like I don't go out for meals every week. I also get straight back on plan after treating myself. I never let one bad meal or one bad day, turn into a binge or a week!
Generally my winning combo has been;
SW 3-4 days a week + 1-2 fast days a week + some treats + regular exercise = maintenance
So what's changed this year? The biggest change was breaking my foot. I sustained a really bad, multiple fracture in my foot at the end of November 5 weeks before my wedding. I wasn't able to even walk to the bathroom or make a cup of tea for weeks, never mind cook for myself. I wasn't able to do any regular exercise, to the extent I had been doing and Christmas, as we all know, is a really tough time to stay on plan anyway!
We went on honeymoon in January for 4 weeks. It was originally meant to be a really active honeymoon, with hiking, kayaking etc... but due to my injury, it turned into an eating/drinking/relaxing honeymoon. Every minute of it was fantastic and despite our plans changing, we both still had a great time. However... I came home around a stone heavier.
Over the past couple of months, I've managed to shift about half of it but it's been really hard. I've been away a lot with work, I've been tired, low energy with doing no exercise etc etc and I am struggling to shift this last half a stone.
My life is busy, I've always had it that way but I lost the weight before so I can do it again!! I am beginning to be able to build up my exercise again which I am so delighted about but I need to be more accountable for my food.
I'm hoping to post my food here every day.... good and bad, so I can be accountable!! If anyone has any hints/tips let me know. Despite having done the plan for years, I don't want to be complacent either!!
My weigh day in group is a Thursday. I haven't been for a few weeks as I've been away with work so I'm hoping I'm not nearer to the stone gain again!! I just want all my lovely clothes to fit again!
Sorry for the essay!! Hopefully I'll get chatting to some of you soon