I just dont get it.....
Had my nurses appointment, she had a moan but I didnt feel too bad afterward.
I got home with the intention to run that afternoon. I was feeling a little chilly so put the kettle on for a hot drink. I decided to have a highlight hot chocolate and an aero biscuit and account for the calories.... Lovely jubly.
No..... One chocolate buiscuit biscuit (99cals) turned in to 4!!!! Yes 4!!!
And then whilst out and about I bloody well go to burger king :-( I slipped back to my old ways, I ate 2 regular meals to myself.
I feel disgusted with myself
I feel like I just needed the tinyest excuse known to man. Its like im posessed but on the other hand theres part of me that knows exactly what im doing.... I just dont get it.
Im so stuffed and disgusted with myself. According to mfp Im already 900 calories over my daily allowance :-(
I have no idea what im going to do tonight. I cant tell my other half what ive done....normally I would of just eaten my dinner aswell, (even though that would be another 500-600 cals). I cant do that!!! Ek!
I hate myself sometimes!