JUDDDers weigh in

I'm sure if you stick with it you'll definitely get a loss next week, just coming off CD, if you hadn't been doing juddd you would have put on a few pounds, so sts is great going :D Stick with it hun, it will happen. I had weeks of sts before I switched plans so know how you feel!
Stirky excellent result for you. I really think 2lb is ideal and when you count that up every week you'll be at goal in no time.

I am disappointed with my sts because that is what happens to me on most diets and I give up. I'm even happy when losing 1lb cos it's moving. i'll give it another go this week and see what happens cos it's much much easier to do than CD. Last night though I just got so fed up of dieting, I feel like I've been on a diet as long as I can remember and not getting anywhere fast.
Well I lost a lb :D Happy after all the junk food I nibbled at.
Well done Stirky thats great. I feel the same, I will do better next week, got a wedding today and then its back on plan 100%.
Broxi thats fantastic :) After I came of CD SS+ the first week I put on nearly half a stone!

Nightnight, didnt realise you had stopped JUDDD :( I will catch up with your threads soon. x

Week commencing: 14th Sept
Channy (Weds/Thurs)- Lost 2lbs
Karenlou (Fri/Sat)-
Stirky (Fri/Sat)- Lost 2lbs
Miss Jelly Tot (Fri/Sat)- Lost 1lb (holiday)
Mum of one (Weds/Thurs)- Lost 4lbs
Emmas mum -
Madferret (Sat/Sun)-
Broxi - (Fri/Sat)
Mini -
Sarah Lou -
Elz333 -
Jesslima -
Well maybe it could have been worse I suppose!

I'll give it another week but I'm also considering Diet Chef or maybe JUDDD with some of those meals.
Yes stick it out for another week Broxi and let your body catch up from cd, like Jelly said you usually put on after coming off cd anyway so sts is fantastic! Don't give up hun, I went through that a couple of years ago, lost 3 and a half stone then had weeks of sts which I couldn't break through. Ended up giving up and putting 2 stone back on, so here I am again. You'll get there, I just had weeks of sts (at the same weight I got stuck at last time ironically enough!) that's why I switched plans. Just give it time to work after cd hun, and try to just weigh once a week. I think the temptation to weigh everyday is great for us all, but drives us mad when we do. Best sticking to once a week and you'll get a better guide of how you're doing. Good luck hun x
Was just thinking Broxi, you lost 7lbs in your first week of CD, so coming off it you should've put on 3-4lbs in glycogen, so really by sts you've actually lost that 3-4lbs! Great going I think!!!
Well done stirky and jelly and also Broxi. Stirky is right. I think its quite rare after doing CD to have a loss on a diet straight after.

Well done girls on the losses :D seeing what you have all done really motivates me.

Broxi.. give it another week lovely.. don't forget I have come off cd as well so I'm not expecting alot this week, our bodies really need to catch up. I had a sneaky peek today and I'm up two pounds but thats not as bad as it could be.. The reason I am trying Juddd is I seem to be dieting all the time as well so I know how you feel. But at least on Juddd it feels more normal to have something to eat and it's really lifting my mood.

As I had my weird day yesterday, my dd is today, up day sunday, which will now take me to Tuesday for my weigh in.

We will plod on Broxi and with all the fellow Juddders doing well at least we can see somewhere along the way this weight will budge!! :)
Yes I've decided I'm giving it another week anyway. I hate STS as that is story of my life on diets. But I suppose I have lsot really after coming off CD! So I'll see how it goes this week. Today is ud and was out for lunch there but not very hungry! It is great though to have the freedom to eat! You really look forward to uds which were never there on CD. So going to go for it this week!
Glad everyone else is doing well xxx
Good luck Broxi! I'm on an up day too today :)
Hi everyone. Well done on all your losses. I had a good start to the week, but unfortunately my mum has suddenly started having probelms. I've spent most of the week at GP's, optician and hospitals with her, then rushing home to look after Emma. Eating plan totally out of the window at the mo. More appointments for her next week at hospital. She isn't able to drive at the mo, so I need to take her everywhere. I should be more able to get back on track this week, but am not going to weigh in this week if that's ok.
Not feeling so great this week what with mum and struggling to find a job.
Hugs emmasmum, yes of course hun don't worry about wi this week, just concentrate on your family as that what matters most. Hope you're mum is ok. Just get back on track when you can x
Hi Emma'smum, hope your mum is ok. My mum took not well a few months back and dieting is the last thing that matters. Anyway I STS this week so count it as that and I'll join you next week at weight in and hopefully we'll have lost! You look after yourself! xxx
Weekcommencing: 14th Sept
Channy (Weds/Thurs)- Lost 2lbs
Karenlou (Fri/Sat)-
Stirky (Fri/Sat)- Lost 2lbs
Miss Jelly Tot (Fri/Sat)- Lost 1lb (holiday)
Mum of one (Weds/Thurs)- Lost 4lbs
Emmas mum -
Madferret (Sat/Sun)-
Broxi - (Fri/Sat)
Mini -
Sarah Lou -
Elz333 -
Jesslima -
Sass (Sat/Sun)-
Well here we go on a new week, good luck everyone! Well done to everybody that weighed in last week, we all did well :) If you did wi and didn't post it let us know how you got on. Also people that haven't already, add your weigh in days to the list, think most of us weigh the end of the week :D Good luck all!

Week commencing: 21st Sept
Channy (Weds/Thurs)-
Karenlou (Fri/Sat)-
Stirky (Fri/Sat)-
Miss Jelly Tot (Fri/Sat)-
Mum of one (Weds/Thurs)-
Emmas mum -
Madferret (Sat/Sun)-
Broxi - (Fri/Sat)
Mini -
Sarah Lou (Tues/Weds)-
Elz333 -
Jesslima -
Sass (Sat/Sun)-
Dappy mare -
Last edited:
Cheers Sarah, good luck for tomorrow hun x
Got to go find my mojo !

Try down the back of the sofa Tracy! That's where I've found mine before :p

Week commencing: 21st Sept
Channy (Weds/Thurs)-

Karenlou (Fri/Sat)-
Stirky (Fri/Sat)-
Miss Jelly Tot (Fri/Sat)-
Mum of one (Weds/Thurs)-
Emmas mum -
Madferret (Sat/Sun)-
Broxi - (Fri/Sat)
Mini -
Sarah Lou (Tues/Weds)-
Elz333 -
Jesslima -
Sass (Sat/Sun)-
Dappy mare -
Harriet -