Silver Member
A good day all round
Hubby had op and all has been very good....he has not had to take any painkillers since the op and is recovering well, we should get results in 7/14 days and I am praying that all will be good and we can start 2013 on a really positive note!!
On another positive note I weighed in at 15 13 the morning of the op and that is a real plus point for me , take care all!!
I tend to weigh myself most days when Im being good!! Last weigh in was last Thursday, I did expect a gain tbh so am more than pleased it was just a lb...believe you me with what I was eating it could well have been more!! xxWhen is your official weigh in day? X x the scales really jump around on this diet lol xxx
Well 1lb is nothing, its just a small delay, you will soon be losing again once you have the results and you can focus on this instead of that if you know what I mean. My OH is still waiting for his Oxygen clinic appointment and quite pleased he has not got it yet. However it will happen so he is still fretting about it!
Well I have had a lovely DD today, I do find them easier when Im working!! Im hoping for a bit of a whoosh tomorrow with a bit of luck. Hubbies appt for his results is next Friday 25th at 730pm so fingers crossed for that. It is my youngest sons 21st on 27th Jan so if the results show the growth was benign that will make James birthday a mega celebration!!
Happy Thursday night all, Im in the South East and they reckon we are in for some heavy old snow tomorrow...I do hope not!! x
Well Jan Weigh ins
5/1... 16 1 so put on 2 lbs over Xmas and New Year...not too bad at all, normally its about 7lbs!!!
8/1...16 0..couldnt resist the scales as I felt lighter!!
9/1....16 0..No change!!
10/1...15 13...yay!!
16/1...16 0 after 4 Ud's and 2 dd's Im not surprised!!
17/1..16 1..after Ud..lets hope for a nice whoosh tomorrow
18/1...16 0..after DD, right direction I suppose!!
19/1..16 0 after Ud..please let me have a whoosh tomoz!!
Thanks t2go!!Crossing my fingers for u x