Judi's diary, I must get a grip!

congratulations that must make you so proud! you should be really pleased with yourself YAY to being in the 100's and to losing 2lbs while having a takeaway :) Well done xx
Well after about 10 days of having absolutely lost the plot, I finally managed to turn it round yesterday! I darednt get on the scales last week, and expected the worst this morning so I hopped on the scales, and was pleasantly suprised to just have gained 1 lb. I still feel fat, but I have started eating the right things again, and resisted the mountain of cakes at work yesterday and today, and tomorrow will be no problem as it's my day off.
When I suck my stomach in, there is another crease!!!
I feel more positive today, I've got an Amazon voucher, so I'm going to get an exercise dvd.

So here I am, at 14st 6lbs again! :break_diet:That's 2 lbs on and repeating what I did last year, yoyoing up and down 4lbs! IT HAS TO STOP! I am giving up alcohol for lent so that should take care of weekends, and being on holiday this week will make things easier, but I must get back the determination that I had in January!:sigh:
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Well my halo choked me yesterday, and good news this morning when I had my BP done and it was normal, (tho OH's was rather high and he has to go back). Homemade lentil soup for lunch and green pork curry with spinach for tea.
Now all I have to crack is doing some exercise, and cutting back drastically on the alcohol.
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Hiya - that is great news about your BP, good luck with giving up alcohol for lent too!! xx
Thanks Louise! Well after 3 days on the plan I feel much less bloated and got into my black trousers What I really have to do is make sure I don't kybosh it all this weekend, and then make soups to take to work with me next week.
Another good day yesterday! And doing well so far. :bliss:
Well that must be the first friday night I haven't had a drink since Moses was a lad! :8855:So hopefully if I can hold it together this weekend I should see a result on tuesday morning!
3lbs off! So it's obvious what I have to do!