Judge Judy
Full Member
Evening everyone. :gen126:
I thought I’d start a diary today as a means of keeping me accountable. I will try to ensure I don’t turn it into “confessions of a serial dieter “ but can't make any promises
I chose Wednesday as this is my weigh in day and I wanted to make my first post a celebration of losing a stone. I was so confident I would have lost at least 2lbs to take me into the next stone bracket. Not sure what I’ve done wrong but I gained 1lb
Now normally this would send me screaming to the shops for crisps and chocolate BUT tonight I’m not. I’ve decided I will still start a diary and typing will keep my hands busy so I can’t eat 
So about me. I’m Judy, a single parent, work full time, recently had my 43rd birthday and have almost 10 stone to lose. My DD (18) and youngest DS (16) are still at home, plus DD’s BF most of the time. DS has cerebral palsy so life can be trying sometimes, but we muddle through somehow. I used to use how busy we were as an excuse not to tackle my very bad eating habits. In reality I was just too bone idle to change and justified eating the rubbish as compensation for living with Joe’s disabilities. Only recently have a realised that he lives with them not me and if he can cope why can’t I? Sad that it’s taken so long and I’m sure the bad habits will raise their ugly heads occasionally. My hope is that having you lovely lot to speak to will keep me on the straight and narrow.
This has turned into an essay and I’ve probably put most of you off by now. However if you are still reading :thankyou:
I promise not to be a misery moo all the time
Off to plan tomorrow's eats now.
Speak soon, JJ
I thought I’d start a diary today as a means of keeping me accountable. I will try to ensure I don’t turn it into “confessions of a serial dieter “ but can't make any promises
I chose Wednesday as this is my weigh in day and I wanted to make my first post a celebration of losing a stone. I was so confident I would have lost at least 2lbs to take me into the next stone bracket. Not sure what I’ve done wrong but I gained 1lb
So about me. I’m Judy, a single parent, work full time, recently had my 43rd birthday and have almost 10 stone to lose. My DD (18) and youngest DS (16) are still at home, plus DD’s BF most of the time. DS has cerebral palsy so life can be trying sometimes, but we muddle through somehow. I used to use how busy we were as an excuse not to tackle my very bad eating habits. In reality I was just too bone idle to change and justified eating the rubbish as compensation for living with Joe’s disabilities. Only recently have a realised that he lives with them not me and if he can cope why can’t I? Sad that it’s taken so long and I’m sure the bad habits will raise their ugly heads occasionally. My hope is that having you lovely lot to speak to will keep me on the straight and narrow.
This has turned into an essay and I’ve probably put most of you off by now. However if you are still reading :thankyou:
I promise not to be a misery moo all the time

Off to plan tomorrow's eats now.
Speak soon, JJ
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