(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Pleased to report a 2lb loss and weigh a day early!!!
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1st weigh in 24/6/13 -1lb (-57lb)
1/7/13 - 3lb (60lb)
8/7/13 - sts
Well Done! Fantastic Loss Sweetie
Pleased to report a 2lb loss and weigh a day early!!!
Sent from my iPhone
1st weigh in 24/6/13 -1lb (-57lb)
1/7/13 - 3lb (60lb)
8/7/13 - sts
Cheers hun, a busy day tomorrow! xxxWell Done! Fantastic Loss SweetieYou should be very proud of yourself! Why did you WI early? X
Cheers hun, a busy day tomorrow! xxx
Having a tough week lots going on, 3 x meals out, due on and extremely tired from not sleeping!
Yesterday went completely of track!
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1st weigh in 24/6/13 -1lb (-57lb)
1/7/13 - 3lb (60lb)
8/7/13 - sts
I'm just going to try and be careful, just be super angelic after as do not normally have such a busy social life lol!
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Wow she was lucky! We shall see what happens, going to try some light exercise tomorrow morning!
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I hun just had a bit of a catch up your page sorry things have not been good lately for you. I can truly sympathise as my partner has suffered from ill health for the last 4 1/2 yrs and takes bucket of meds to help him. Last week we found out that he has a problem with his lower spine and waiting for him to be referred to a spine specialist.
I can only do low impact exercise as I need a new knee one of my reasons for losing weight and find it so frustrating as in my mind I want to do more!
Hope you have a lovely time away!
I have decided to make this week my holiday week( as no holiday this summer)and start a fresh on Monday!
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Me just before meeting up with friends on Thursday
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Thank you! Very brave as would not have picked anything like that before, but loving having so much more choice now! Xxx
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To be honest first outfit I've bought for ages. Otherwise I've been selling my old things on eBay and buying replacements on there as don't want to buy to much till I get to goal and then that might be ouch on the bank balance
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