Juju_doll's Diary - Day One - Again!


You are stunning!!! How beautiful are you?????!!!!??????

Fantastic - I am so so shocked! :D :D :D

Just clocked your ticker --- 13lbs to go!!!!! WOWEE!!! :clap::clap::clap: that's so brilliant!! :D :D
Wow, look at you, you're looking good girl.
Looking very good Juju_doll!


Congratulations on being in the 12's!!!!

Love Mini xxx
Thanks folks for your lovely comments, really very kind of you. To be honest, i really don't recognise the person in the photo, it is beginning to be weird now!
Off for my weigh in later so i'll let you know how I got on.... will I see the 12s on Ailsa's scales today?
And the answer is ...... Yes!!!
12stone and 13lbs, which means i've lost 4lbs. HOOOORRRAAAHHH!
Ok ..... all gone a bit wrong!
Had my friend to stay, started eating, esculated into full on solid binging and consequently i've put on a shocking 11lbs!
Was gutted but not surprised, as i've been stuffing myself. So back on it now and have a new target to reach before I go on holiday to France on the 14th of July. Want to be 11 and a half stone by then, so new motivation and new focus is flooding back! Hope all has been well on Minimins, have neglected you as i've been in denial!!!
Onwards and downwards!
Well i've been rubbish, absolute rubbish. Managed to lose 4lbs last week and i'm sure i've put that all back on and the rest as i've had a celebratory birthday weekend with my friends and have eaten, no sensible choices either!
Am going to get through to my birthday on Tuesday and then Wednesday is straight back on the sole source and 1 month till the summer ball .... must get in to my size 14 dress!
Oooh a summer ball - how lovely! Look, don't worry about the last week... once your fabby birthday is done you will get back into things head first and will be dazzling all those folks at the ball for sure! A month SSing (which you know you can do) will have it in the bag for you :D

Hope you have a smashing day Tuesday, will raise a glass of appleade for you!
Right, well here I go again! Had my first tetra of the day, and weighed myself on my scales this morning and it said 13st 12lbs eek! Can't believe that less than a month ago I was in the 12s, just goes to show what happens when you lose sight of what you are doing, and eat like a pig for a month! But today is a fresh new start, want to try and get a good chunk of that weight back off by the time Ailsa gets back from her hols in a week's time. To be in the early 13s will be my aim for that. Wasn't even brave enough to get on her scales this week, was too scared i'd see a 14!
I'm not going to change my ticker until i get officially weighed, but I have reduced my target to 10 stone 7, from 9 stone 7. Although I will still officially be overweight then, I just think it is more realistic.
So day one is started, 30 days to go until the summer ball and I have to fit in to my dress! Off to drink some water!
hey jjdoll
good luck on losing the rest of the lbs
you have done so well i`m sure you`ll crack them last couple of stones
keep up the good work and stay positive

you'll do it now problem JuJu :D keep glugging - you and me are going to shock our Ailsa when she gets back.. :giggle:

AS for changing your target - did the same thing myself - far better to set realistic goals than constantly strive for the damn near impossibl! :D Well done you!