So the eve of my full on ss attack been weighed today by my lovely cdc and after reaching the dizzy heights of 19 stone after crimbo i confided in my cdc that my 1st mini goal is to see the 17's and she laughed because when i got on the scales i was 17-13 so in the 17's but only just !
So 1st target is now to get in the 16's i have been using shakes with food the last few days so maybe thats why i have lost weight , still i hope for a good loss next tuesday .
I hoped that building up gradually would alleviate the horrible side effects that the shakes leave me with but alas they dont seem to get any better thats my only concern as i know it will only last 3-4 days but at work its impossible to accomodate the problem so do i forge ahead tomorrow or hold off till friday ( as i finish early and i am off sat sun and mon) so plenty of time to get over it hmmmmm.........
I would really rather crack on in case i lose my positivity i know how fargile it is lol !
I am writing all my emotions thoughts worries and targets in a book just random thoughts and feelings and it has helped already as i have written how i feel about myself, after a binge , after giving in to a craving , after a shake , my trigger moments and that has helped loads as when i write down how desperate a situation makes me want to eat, it puts it into perspective and has stopped me in my tracks so will keep up the journal !
Many thanks Roch for retrieving my diary from the depths of beyond we are winners this time !!
LOts of love hugs and good health to ya'll, Julie XXXX