Hi Lara! So sorry for going AWOL! Been very busy with work, uni and Christmas in general!
Really hope you are ok, (how's your sister and the dating?) and that everyone who happens to read my diary are good too
I am no longer on plan! I stopped at 9st 10.5 lbs and completed refeed

a few lbs of goal... BUT have been very lazily following 5:2 (eating low cal or a packs during the day and what ever I want in the evenings on fast days, and generally whatever I want (within reason and moderation!!!) on non fast days and today weighed in at 9st 8.2

so am within my goal today! BMI now 22.9 and non of my knickers fit ROTFL!!!!!
I think maybe my body needed another shock, hence why I've lost more weight? Haven't started running again because I've been so busy - maybe it's all the rushing around!
I'm glad that refeed wasn't that scary, and that I've seemed to have found a happy place in regards to maintenance - I'm not depriving myself, just having all the food I love in moderation. I even had Pizza a few nights ago and Fish and Chips last night!
Once again super glad I found S&S, and just hoping I keep it off!!! xxx