Ooh hun, I know just how you feel
It’s good to share on here though as we all know what you’re going through and no one will judge! [I had a rant the other day!].
You’re absolutely right though- feeling amazing in your Bridesmaid dress will give you far more satisfaction and happiness than any food could!
Why don’t you plan something to celebrate your birthday once you’ve finished Lipotrim? It’ll give you something to look forward to.
It was my 2nd wedding anniversary last weekend and I really wanted to go out for a nice meal with my husband, BUT I’m also determined to stick to my Lipotrim plan and give it 100%, so I’ve planned a weekend away for us in August - I’m really looking forward to it and it’ll help keep me focused on losing more weight when I’ve started Slimming World (once I’ve finished Lipotrim).