June Challenge

final weigh in, slightly early but i dont care


does this mean (according to what i have) that you went 1lb over target...

well done!
yeah thats right hun :)
And a very well done! That's fab...

Well I list 3.5 lbs at weigh in tonight so very cuffed with that.total of 7lbs this month.... not what I.had hoped for, but better than nothing and I'm half a stone lighter than I was a month ago.:)

Hope you are all well ...

I lost 3lbs this week and my total should have been 9lbs so I have lost 12lbs in total this month.... arghhh if I hadnt of screwed up because my stupid ex fiancee upset me last week, I would of probably done my target but 12 lbs is still great and hopefully I will hit target next month :)

Well done for everyone elses weight loss this month!