Just been down to visit my best friend and guess what I spotted on the shelf in her "garden room"??? Only "Sea Glass"!!!Reckon I can get it read in 2 days???
I just cant get into it. Really not enjoying it. I have to say if it was a book Id bought just for reading not for this it would be in the charity shop by now :cry:
Aren't James Patterson's books great - just can't put them down. Most recent one I read was called 'The Quickie' - highly recommend, some great twists.
I'm looking forward to reading the new book when it arrives so much especially after Cate sold it to us so well... xxx
Oh dear.....have I set myself up for a spectacular fall here???Hope not, I'm mega excited about reading it again
Ive also read the Quickie and enjoyed it I also love Lee Child for his crime Adventure style writting.
order the both books so I can add my bit too haha
Will you get Sea Glass read by Tuesday though?! I'd have sent you my copy if you had said before!
didnt thinkno I won't get it until tuesday but I am sure it can be read by the end of the week heehee