June/July book - Valley of the Dolls by Jacquiline Susann - Read by 31st July

:wow: this book is fantastic and I find it hard to put down. I wasn't sure when reading the first couple pages but then got really into it, a pure page-turner.
Hmm I've slowed down with reading it the past two days but am gonna log off the net and read it til I go to bed!
Tonight's the night...kinders have in service day, what a plonker I was, dropping them half way and then having to head straight from the gym back to school to pick 'em up! Oops!
I have about 90 pages to go til I finish LODL. It's one of the best books I have read in a long time. Also, it's been quite easy for me to concentrate on it and want to finish it.:) Hopefully that's me back into the reading again now!

I am not sure about May's book, reviews on Amazon weren't great and a lot of people gave away the story. :rolleyes:
I am so excited been really struggling with this book and when I got up this morning decided to read some with my breakfast as time is ticking on....I got to the end of chapter 24 and I am so into it now I have only stopped to post on here. So anyone not up to there yet and struggling keep going its now turned into a page turner for me....sorry got to go need to read some more....lol..xx
Im struggling so much with this book....very unusual for me.....the style of writing is not one I enjoy and I feel no empathy for any of the characters so its hard to want to find out whats happening 3/4 of the way through so will plod on lol
Back at work on monday after my leave (following my Gastric Band surgery) so will cross my fingers the copy of missing is still on my mobile and not loaned out :D will get a copy from another library sent over if I need too.....anyone had thoughts towards Junes book?...would love to know so I can get a copy and take it on holiday at the end of May.

Im also reading "Eden Close" by Anita Shreve....for those that read last months its a great book very different from Sea Glass but very enjoyable.....If anyone would like to borrow it from me when Ive finished it I can pop it in the post if you post it back to me when your done....I bought 3 of her books in a charity shop at the weekend after Ive read them more than happy to lend them out if anyones interested:D
Wanda have you read a december wedding by Anita Shreeve? I picked it up the other day for £2.50 and thought it would come in handy somewhere along the way. I have to say I have about 70 pages of The Lake to go and should have it boxed off tonight so I can go back to This Charming Man...a bit of light relief lol..xx
Damn, ya beat me Charliegirl, I've got about 25 pages to go lol.:D

Erm, if I'm ever asked to suggest a book it will be The Sculptress by Minette Walters.
On Amazon the first line of what the books about kinda put me off....
'It was a slaughterhouse, the most horrific scene I have ever witnessed...Olive Martin is a dangerous woman. I advise you to be extremely wary in your dealings with her.'

and A Wedding in December is my next read :)