Gold Member
Well i must apologise that you feel 'abused' as that wasn't my intention at all! It's just you did mention that it makes you cross when people say that groups are cliquey. To a new member groups can seem quite daunting, it's a hell of a thing for most people to take those through steps through the door and there is nothing better than a few people acknowledging them.
I too used to do the weigh in at my previous group and it really was a great way to get to know alot of the members. I really looked forward to my weekly weigh in more so because of that aswell.
Anyway the apology is there...sorry
Charleybabes - i really think you should go a few more times and see how it goes! Good Luck x x
Apology accepted
I was also a newbie a long time ago, I joined group on my own. I took that step and I know how hard it is. No one spoke to me for a while. Now I have some of the closest friends I have ever had, it just happens.
Whilst I think it is lovely to befriend a newbie, it's not my place to do so. You wouldn't believe the amount of people who join, come for one week and then we don't see them again. The do the whole joining to get the info thing.
When people attend group regularly, you get to know them, you talk to them during Image Therapy, you can then chat to them the next week about something they may have said. I'm rambling now, but what I'm trying to say is that the group is what you make it. You can not please everyone.